Recent Viewpoints

October 7, 2021
bumper crop at sunset

Kerby Anderson The Environmental Protection Agency recently unveiled an online tool that is supposed to help local officials see the dangers of climate change in their community. The Climate Change Adaptation Resource Center provides a map that warns of the danger of climate change to each of the eight regions of the United States. These dire warnings were too much for Dr. William M. Briggs, who has been questioning many of the claims of climate change activists. In his column,…

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October 6, 2021
prison religion

Kerby Anderson The crime rate is up in many cities, so maybe it’s time to consider a solution rarely suggested. Let’s see what faith-based organizations and people of faith can do. The evidence is that they can reduce the crime rate and the recidivism rate in our prisons. This is the argument Baylor University criminologist Byron Johnson makes in his book, More God, Less Crime. Sadly, most social scientists and even criminologists seem reluctant to make the connection between faith…

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October 5, 2021
man merge w computer screen

Kerby Anderson For the last few decades, politicians and high-tech companies have been talking about the digital divide. They wanted to make sure that poor and underprivileged students had access to the same digital devices as wealthier ones. I have always felt there was a bigger issue that fewer people were talking about. Fortunately, Naomi Schaefer Riley addresses this in her New York Times op-ed on “America’s Real Digital Divide.” She warns that, “If you think middle-class children are being harmed…

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October 4, 2021
Decisions We Make

Kerby Anderson If you think about it, your life is the culmination of lots and lots of decisions. Jim Clifton, CEO of Gallup, argues that people make 10,000 to 20,000 small decisions every day. If you multiply this by the U.S. population, you end up with one quadrillion decisions. This is one of the points Jeff Myers makes in his book, Understanding the Culture. The legacy you leave is the sum of all of these decisions. Many are inconsequential. Others…

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October 1, 2021
Electric Car Charging Station

Penna Dexter When global warming began losing credibility as an environmental catastrophe, the Left substituted the term climate change because there is no doubt that the climate is changing. It always has been. Progressives act very panicky and claim that if they get enough money and power, they can somehow lessen the bad effects of climate change. Their real goal, however, is to re-engineer the entire energy economy. Of the $3.5 trillion in the White House and Congress’s proposed spending…

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October 1, 2021
millennials dining

Kerby Anderson Khaldoun Sweis admits that reaching your secular friends with the gospel is difficult, but there are things we can do to be more effective. He and I have worked together at the International Society of Christian Apologetics, so I was excited to see many commentators like Ed Stetzer and Eric Metaxas quoting him. Khaldoun says we make a mistake “when we ignore the trends and zeitgeist of the times, and we make grave mistakes when we try to…

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September 30, 2021
Purity Ring

Kerby Anderson A report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) finds that teenage virgins are healthier than other students who are sexually active. At first, you might think that is merely an obvious conclusion since virgins are not likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD). But the conclusions are based on many other factors as well. Students who are virgins actually rate significantly and consistently better in nearly all health-related behaviors and measures than their sexually active peers….

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September 29, 2021
Zombie Science - cover art

Kerby Anderson Biology books that teach evolution tell certain stories to illustrate the evolutionary process. Back in 2000, Dr. Jonathan Wells wrote the book, Icons of Evolution. He explained that these ten icons of evolution were false. Many of them were fraudulent and known to be so. Nevertheless, they appeared in these textbooks. In his latest book, Zombie Science, he asks a simple question. If these icons of evolution published 17 years ago were just innocent textbook errors, why do so…

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September 28, 2021
flag-of-isis with quran

Kerby Anderson In a speech at Hillsdale College, Andrew McCarthy told the story of leading the prosecution in 1993 of the terrorist cell that bombed the World Trade Center. At the time, other government officials told him that he “should read nothing into the fact that all the men in this terrorist cell were Muslims.” These officials explained that the terrorist actions weren’t representative of Islam, because it is a religion that encourages peace. The government also portrayed the leader…

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September 27, 2021
A Practical Guide to Culture Cover

Kerby Anderson We need to help the next generation learn to navigate the culture. That is why I am so excited that John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle have written, A Practical Guide to Culture. The rowboat on the cover reminds us that this emerging generation will have to navigate through choppy waters. John was on my radio program recently to talk about the book and share his experiences from Summit Ministries and the Chuck Colson Center. Both of the authors…

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September 24, 2021
Elizabeth MacDonough Parliamentarian

Penna Dexter Right now, Elizabeth MacDonough, the Senate parliamentarian, may be the most powerful public official you’ve never heard of. The debate in Congress on a proposed $3.5 billion spending bill depends in great part on the advice she provides. The massive spending bill is jam-packed with progressive priorities, many of which involve big policy changes. Senate Democrats are attempting to pass it using a budget process called reconciliation. Legislation passed under reconciliation must be related, more than incidentally, to…

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