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Although there are have been some protesters at various presidential rallies, most of the media attention has been on those protesting Donald Trump rallies. That is understandable since many of them have used bare-knuckle tactics and a mob mentality.

To listen to some in the media, it is Donald Trump’s fault that these clashes are taking place. Certainly his provocative rhetoric has intensified the reaction. But let’s put some of this in context. Leftist groups routinely shut down events on college campuses if they disagree with what the speaker might say. I have seen this first hand in my experience speaking at universities. I have a great deal of sympathy for what has been done to many Christian and conservative speakers on campus.

The level of verbal (and sometimes physical) attack from protesters at these Trump rallies should concern all of us. The Washington Post recently interviewed Brandon Tatum (an officer of the Tucson Police Department). He is an African-American officer who attended as a civilian and said: “I could not believe what I saw.” He went on to describe what he thought might turn into a “full-fledged riot” at the event, not because of the Trump supporters but because of the protesters.

These protesters have become the front line shock troops in the battle over the future of America. The George Soros-funded Moveon.org is conducting fund raising activities and mobilizing protesters. So is Black Lives Matter along with other radical groups. Some protesters blocked the highway leading to a Trump Rally in Arizona. One Facebook post said: “Remember when Tea Party activists blocked a highway to a Barack Obama rally? No, I don’t remember that either.”

These clashes will no doubt continue. The only real question is whether we will let the liberal bullies win.

Viewpoints by Kerby Anderson

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