Kerby Anderson
Imagine a world in which everyone followed the ethic Jesus taught about sex, marriage, and relationships. Sean McDowell asked people to consider that when he was involved in a discussion about biblical sexuality. Here is what he said:
“There would be no sexually transmitted diseases. No abortions. No brokenness from divorce. Every child would have a mother and a father and experience the love and acceptance each parent uniquely offers. There would be no rape, no sex abuse, no sex trafficking, pornography, and no need for a #MeToo campaign. Think of the healing and wholeness if people simply lived Jesus’ life-giving words regarding human sexuality.”
In a recent column, he went on to add so much more. Think about it. There would be no more sexually transmitted infections (like AIDS, herpes, or HPV). Of course, there would be no rape. There wouldn’t be any unwanted pregnancies.
The whole culture would be better. There would be no crude or degrading sexual humor. Critics wouldn’t be making fun of young people who decided to wait until marriage to have sexual relations.
Marriages would be better. There would probably be a significant drop in the divorce rate. You would have fewer deadbeat dads. You would probably have fewer men leaving their wives for young women.
Of course, you can make up your list of all the positive things that would happen if we followed the sex ethic of Jesus. God’s Word instructs us in behavior that will protect us from so many of the devastating sexual and social consequences of turning away from His instruction to us.
Let me suggest that you use this argument the next time you hear someone argue for sexual freedom or the next time you hear someone make fun of a young person who decided to remain a virgin until marriage. Sean McDowell has given us a powerful argument. I encourage you to use it.