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Target: Religious Freedom

We now have a U.S. Supreme Court decision that brings same-sex marriage to every state. But will everyone, even those who don’t believe it’s marriage, have to comply? To celebrate what they don’t believe is a marriage? To serve same sex weddings through their businesses? House same sex couples on their Christian college campuses? Employ homosexuals and transgendered people. Both the majority opinion and the dissent seem to protect the freedom of people to live according to values that are informed by their faith.

But we’re going to have to claim these rights, pass laws to uphold them, and defend them in court. There’s a strong and well-funded movement to deny religious Americans and institutions any exemptions from this redefinition of marriage and the elevation of homosexual and transgendered behavior that flows from it.

Tim Sweeney is a leader in making and securing grants to causes important to the gay and lesbian advocacy community. He told a group of business leaders gathered at the recent Out & Equal Workplace Advocates executive forum of a coordinated plan to curtail all political efforts to protect religious freedom for Americans who don’t support and affirm same-sex marriage. Mr. Sweeney solicited help from these executives in shutting down the political battle to protect religious freedom. He will, he says, accomplish this feat within three years

A lot of money is being raised for this cause. The Catholic News Agency examined public grant listings and tax forms and found that several foundations and funds have poured millions of dollars into efforts to make sure there are no religious exemptions to the new same-sex marriage regime. Money started pouring in even before the Supreme Court handed down its decision on marriage.

In 2014, the San Francisco-based Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund made two grants totaling $150,000 to help the Pride Foundation “lead a project to ensure that ‘religious liberty’ claims do not erode gains in marriage equality and nondiscrimination protections.” This year, the Haas Fund made another grant of $200,000 for the same purpose.

Other grants are being made to get African American pastors engaged in protecting so-called marriage equality from religious liberty claims. The Berkeley, California-based Pacific School of Religion got $125,000 for that purpose and the D.C.-based organization, Many Voices received $60,000.

The list goes on with five and six-figure gifts going to the ACLU and the Colorado-based Gill Foundation which channels lots of its gay advocacy giving toward local and statewide political campaigns to stop those who oppose the gay agenda at the start of their political careers. The Massachusetts-based Proteus Fund has dedicated $825,000 to support litigation against what it describes as “the undermining of full marriage.” The Ford and Argus Foundations have pledged over $3 million to oppose religious exemptions and other protections for religious freedom.

Believing saint, gird your loins. The progressive left welcomes this funding to attack freedom.

Viewpoints by Kerby Anderson

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