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Up From Slavery

Allen West signs books
By: Allen West – – June 15, 2018

I often get asked about who I admire most. Well, topping the list are my mom and dad, followed by folks like Joshua L. Chamberlain, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, Hannibal, Leonidas, Alexander the Great — just to name a few.

However, if there is one person who tops the list as someone I admire from an ideological perspective, it is Booker T. Washington. His was a life of focus and a resolute determination, commitment, to excellence by way of education. And, he did not just seek success for himself, but for those most vulnerable and deserving, recently freed slaves.

Therefore, I was deeply honored that the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) would select me to be the Director of their Booker T. Washington Initiative (BTWI). In conjunction with this effort, TPPF is re-releasing Mr. Washington’s autobiography, Up from Slavery and allowed me to write an updated Foreword for this literary classic.

I believe that Washington’s points on education, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance resonate to today. His is the formula by which we can enable individuals to raise their own boat, and catch the tide. I implore you to order your copy of Up from Slavery and resurrect the ideals, successes, and incredible story of a true model of the American dream. The impeccable educator and orator, Booker T. Washington.

Source: Book: Up From Slavery, Forward by Allen West » The Old School Patriot