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Weaponizing Sexual Accusations

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Penna Dexternever miss viewpoints

The loudest female voices regarding the allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh were those denouncing senators’ support for him and demanding it be “justified” with more investigation.

Less reported were the numerous women who called Senate offices in support of Kavanaugh and who were critical of what they saw as a political lynching that unfairly destroyed the reputation of a brilliant jurist and family man.

The #MeToo movement is shining a bright light on sexual abuse by powerful men. In this, it’s a powerful tool for good. But it’s been clear during this confirmation battle that the movement has also become a weapon for political destruction.

Certain senators worried: ‘How will my stand on the confirmation play to female voters?’ We can no longer assume that most voters want accusations of sexual misdeeds evaluated by substantive argument and by corroboration of charges. We don’t know anymore how many Americans prefer a different standard — a sort of politics by belief in which, when it’s about anything sexual, the woman must be believed and the accused man faces the presumption of guilt.

There are legal standards for judging the truthfulness of accusers and defenders. But politicians are terrified to say an accuser like Christine Ford might be unstable or have memory issues. Statements of skepticism about the credibility or the motivation of the accuser are simply not allowed because they would “re-victimize” her. And not only her, but every woman who may have been sexually assaulted. The accused is scrutinized. The female accuser: not so much.

Overuse of these cynical tactics will eventually dilute protections for real victims.  When legitimate allegations of sexual misconduct are made, we’ll tend to dismiss them as political. PC kid-glove treatment of accusations at the expense of truth harms men and women.

The weaponization of the #MeToo movement has created a toxic environment that has the potential to destroy our political decision making. Senators standing against this are heroes.

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