Unlikely to Vote?

Penna Dexter According to statistics from George Barna, 41 million Americans who describe themselves as “born-again Christians” are “unlikely” to vote in the November elections. His research, conducted in August and September, dug deeper into the reasons for these Christians’ complacency. Family Research Council’s daily news publication, The Washington Stand, reports that 68 percent of them said they’re not interested…

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Masculine Christianity

Penna Dexter The New York Times recently reported on an “emerging truth” among Christians. Correspondent Ruth Graham writes, “For the first time in modern American history, young men are now more religious than their female peers. They attend services more often and are more likely to identify as religious.” This dynamic applies only to Christians who are part of Generation…

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Reality Suppression

Penna Dexter In these days, do you sometimes find yourself struggling to discern truth from lies? Do you sense that bedrock principles regarding culture and politics are being mercilessly challenged? Do sources of information you once found reliable now seem shaky? We’re being targeted by a powerful propaganda technique called reality suppression. In a recent Substack article, author and filmmaker…

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Declining Birthrate

Penna Dexter There’s a growing concern in the U.S. and many other countries that people are not having enough babies. The fertility rate in the U.S. is now approximately 1.62 births per female. This is well below replacement level fertility which is 2.1 births per female. Why should we care about this? New York Times columnist Ross Douthat worries a…

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Won’t Have Kids

Penna Dexter It wasn’t a joke or an anomaly when, last December, a video series celebrating the Dual Income No Kids — or DINK — lifestyle went viral. Young American couples argued that their freedom to take European vacations and their ability to splurge on pets and bulk purchases at Costco are preferable to being tied down to parenthood. They…

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South Dakota’s Pivotal Battle

Penna Dexter South Dakota is one of the most pro-life states in America. Before Roe v. Wade was overturned, South Dakota had enacted 111 statutes restricting abortion, the most of any state. Under a trigger law that took effect after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in 2022, abortion is illegal in South Dakota, except to save the life of the mother. The…

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Title IX Complexity

Penna Dexter Because of a new rule the Biden-Harris administration issued last spring, students in nearly half the states face some disturbing changes as they return to their schools and colleges. The rule is the result of a rewrite of Title IX of the Education Amendments, enacted in 1972 specifically to protect women and girls. Title IX forbids discrimination on…

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California Parental Sanctuary

Penna Dexter You’ve heard of sanctuary cities. These are municipalities that refuse to cooperate with the federal government in enforcing immigration law, thus providing a sanctuary, or safe haven, for illegal aliens, helping them to break U.S. law. Now, a California coastal town has declared itself a “sanctuary city for parental rights.” Huntington Beach is a great surfing spot. In…

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Supporting School Choice

Penna Dexter School choice is a 2024 election issue and we need to hear more about it from candidates seeking public office. Gaining educational freedom is an important goal for families who live in neighborhoods with sub-par public schools. This is why black voters, more than any other race, support school choice. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Joshua Robertson,…

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Working Men

Penna Dexter Last year, to coincide with Labor Day, Senator Marco Rubio’s office issued a report entitled, “The State of the Working (and Non-Working) Man.” Labor Day 2024 comes amidst presidential campaigns in which the American working class is a key constituency. Senator Rubio’s report lays some groundwork by stating that “prime age men who are not in the labor…

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Med School Ideology

Penna Dexter It would be nice if we could count on the medical community to emphasize excellence and evidence over woke ideology. When we learn of transgender interventions, including life-altering surgery, being prescribed as standard protocol for young people struggling with mental health conditions, we’re wondering where the sane doctors are. Thankfully, there are still doctors making the case for…

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