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Anti-Christian Bills in Legislature

By: James Wesolek – – January 22, 2019

Texas Values Action sounded the alarm today on numerous bills filed in the Texas Legislature that allow the government to criminalize people of faith and effectively ban the Bible. These bills highlight a growing national trend to punish people of faith by forcing them to celebrate LGBT viewpoints or values and reject their own sincerely held religious beliefs on marriage, human sexuality, and life. These bills also disrupt and distract from a bipartisan spirit noted by state leaders this session.

Hiding under the disguise of “sexual orientation and gender identity” these bills would create new government power and protections which ban the free expression of Biblical beliefs, especially it’s teaching on marriage and sexuality. Numerous bills seek to ban religious beliefs and force people of faith to conform to the personal and political activities of others. Those who do not comply will face fines, possible jail time, or other criminal charges.

Nicole Hudgens, Senior Policy Analyst for Texas Values, said “These ‘Ban the Bible’ bills at the Texas Legislature shock the conscience and must be stopped. Creating more government control and threatening Christians with jail time or fines does not create a tolerant society.”

Ann Hettinger, State Director for CWALAC of Texas, said “Any inclusion of men in women’s private spaces is a gross violation of their privacy and safety. It is the job of every legislator to protect Texas women and we strongly oppose these ‘Ban the Bible’ bills.”

Some of the bills which seek to ban the Bible and its teaching include:

HB 244 by Rep. Farrar, HB 254 by Rep. Bernal, and SB 151 by Sen. Rodriguez

  • Amends the Civil Practices and Remedies Code, the Labor Code, and the Property Code to create “sexual orientation,” gender identity,” and “gender expression” protected classes.
  • Administer punishments including a Class A misdemeanor and an administrative penalty of $100 per day if there is a violation.
  • Forces everyone to “support” an individual undergoing a gender transition
  • Forces businesses and owners who believe marriage is between one man and one woman, including wedding vendors (photographers, cake bakers, graphic artists) to use their artistic talents for marriage ceremonies that violate their sincerely held religious beliefs.
  • Forces government contractors to endorse beliefs contrary to their religious views in order to serve their communities.
  • Forces religious homeless shelters, colleges, and universities to allow biological men to sleep next to women in abuse shelters or dormitories.
  • Forces private property owners to allow men access to women’s showers, locker rooms, bathrooms, and vice versa.

HB 188 by Rep. Bernal

  • Amends the Property Code to create “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression” protected classes.
  • Forces religious homeless shelters, colleges, and universities to allow biological men to sleep next to women in abuse shelters or dormitories.
  • Forces property owners and religious groups to allow men access to women’s showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms and vice versa.

HB 517 by Rep. Israel

  • Allows for the government to punish counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists or other mental health providers who work with people from a Christian perspective.
  • If these providers in any way discourage homosexual behavior or the desire for a gender transition surgery- including at the request of the client- they face disciplinary action by a regulatory committee.
  • It could force a therapist to disclose intimate details of private counseling sessions that are revealed in public court.

HB 850 by Rep. Johnson

  • Amends the Labor Code to create “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression” protected classes.
  • Forces Christian business to pay for same-sex benefits.
  • Forces Christian business owners to allow men into women’s private facilities.

SB 154 by Sen. Rodriguez

  • Forces doctors to make a sworn statement to allow an individual to receive a new birth certificate and other official documents- even if it violates the doctor’s conscience and religious beliefs on best practices and gender.
  • Creates a myriad of other legal issues which arise from the issuance of new official documents relating to one’s gender including fraud, escaping criminal prosecution, disruption of records, obtaining of licenses, passports, social security numbers, and proof of identity.

SJR 9 by Sen. Rodriguez

  • Repeals the Texas Marriage Amendment which defines marriage as between one man and one woman in the Texas Constitution.
  • Over 75% of Texans voted to implement the Texas Marriage Amendment.

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Source: #BanTheBible, Anti-Christian Bills filed in Texas. Faith Leaders Oppose. | Texas Values Action