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Chaplain Scott Squires Case

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By: staff – firstliberty.org – April 2018

Scott Squires has served his country for 25 years, first as an enlisted soldier, and now as a Chaplain in the United States Army. No chaplain in the military can serve without an endorsement by a recognized religious organization. The North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is the endorsing agency for Squires and many other chaplains across all branches of the military. Both the NAMB and the SBC forbid their Chaplains from facilitating marriage retreats that include same sex couples. Doing so would violate the Southern Baptist Church’s beliefs on the institution of marriage and could result in a chaplain losing his endorsement. Army regulations also require Chaplains to adhere to their endorsing agency’s rules and religious tenets. As an officer, Chaplain Squires understands the importance of following orders.

When Squires learned that a soldier in a same sex marriage wanted to attend a marriage seminar, Squires took the appropriate action required by his church and the Army. Squires made sure the soldier was included in the next seminar being conducted by a Chaplain without restrictions. When the soldier filed a complaint, the Army launched an investigation into Squires’ actions.

“I was shocked the investigator concluded that I should be reprimanded for doing something I’m required to do under Army regulations and my endorser’s rules,” said Chaplain Squires. “I hope the Army sees that I was simply following Army regulations and the tenets of my church.”


Under federal law and Department of Defense regulations, the military may not take adverse action against a chaplain who acts in accordance with his or her religious tenets. First Liberty sent a letter to the U.S. Army urging it to reverse the investigator’s decision and the recommendation that Squires be disciplined for discrimination.

“Chaplain Squires should not have his career ruined for following the rules of both his faith and the Army,” said Mike Berry, Deputy General Counsel and Director of Military Affairs at First Liberty. “We’re only asking the Army to follow the law just as Chaplain Squires did. Chaplains should not have to give up their First Amendment rights in order to serve.”

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Source: Chaplain Scott Squires | Cases