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Healthcare Workers

Pray for America

At the Saturday Task Force Briefing from the White House this past weekend, Vice President Mike Pence spoke briefly.  It was the day before Palm Sunday and he was emotional as he talked about the Easter Season and our nation’s healthcare workers.

“The stories are incredibly moving about what healthcare workers are doing every day.” He talked about how they’re going back into critical situations and providing more than care. Hospitals, nursing homes, and other facilities caring for COVID-19 patients are understandably restricting visitors. This means that families are not able to be with their ill loved ones. Because of this, “Healthcare workers are standing in for families.”

He got emotional recounting the story of nurses being present in the hard times, holding up phones for critically ill patients, patients who may be saying their last goodbyes. This was the only way for them to see and talk to their families, to be together in those difficult moments. “They’re not just doctors and nurses, today. They’re supplementing for family, for people all across the country. ”

Vice President Pence went on to say, “Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. It’s Holy Week, in the great Christian tradition. And I have people ask me, ‘What can we be praying about?’ My first thought is the families who have lost loved ones and the patients who are struggling with coronavirus. But during this very special week, I just encourage people to pray for our healthcare workers. Pray for them and their families.  They are really the hands and feet, every day, not just of healthcare but of the heart of the American people. And we are all grateful for them, every hour of the day.”

Please join me in praying for all our nation’s healthcare workers as they serve on the front lines, caring for their patients with dignity, respect, and compassion. We thank them for standing in the gap and being family when family can’t be there.