May 31st, 2024
Today, First Liberty Institute sent a letter to the Carlsbad (CA) City Council urging them to revoke the recent order by the city manager that forbids police chaplain JC Cooper and fire chaplain Denny Cooper from concluding prayers at some events “in Jesus’ name.” The Coopers were told the prayers were a form of harassment. Source: Carlsbad, California Official Orders...
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May 9th, 2024
Pro-Palestinian Columbia University students protest
At some universities around America, students have traded studying for finals for raucous anti-Israel protests. It’s vital that we pray amid the upheaval and public displays of hate. Consider College students around America have destroyed property, forcibly occupied their campuses for weeks at a time, and physically blocked other students (such as Jewish students or those who express support for...
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Pray for America
May 1st, 2024
Pray for America
Dear God, Thank you for the legacy of prayer woven throughout America’s history, including the annual National Day of Prayer. Please prompt the hearts of your followers in this nation to turn to you in prayer today, and always.  The Bible says that You are our lamp, our light in the darkness, and that Your Word proves true (2 Samuel...
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April 19th, 2024
classroom - elementary students
Elementary School Principal Denies Student Request to Start an Interfaith Prayer Club After Allowing Pride Club a Week Earlier The Washington state school district is near Bremerton, where the school district lost an expensive case at the U.S. Supreme Court[…]
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April 12th, 2024
No Prayer Club at school
  When 5th grade student Laura at Creekside Elementary requested permission to start a prayer club, the school’s principal denied her request.
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February 7th, 2024
Biden at National Prayer Breadfast
The number of President Biden’s gaffes and flip-flops on issues would fill a book, but he combined several categories of verbal meanderings at last week’s National Prayer Breakfast.
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November 17th, 2023
We recently toured the U.S. Capitol and Speaker Johnson—a former First Liberty attorney—made a surprise appearance.
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September 15th, 2023
circle group kneels in prayer
Sept. 1 was a historic night of prayer. But this is just the start of the movement to restore faith in America.
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September 1st, 2023
Coach Kennedy and team after Friday Football game
High school football coach Joe Kennedy, who lost his job in 2015 for openly praying on the field, returns to the sidelines at Bremerton High School in Washington state Friday night.
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September 1st, 2023
Football Friday Prayer
Prayer on the gridiron is a cherished tradition practiced by athletes, coaches and fans. As Coach Kennedy prepares for his first game back, we examine how important faith is in football.
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