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Grow and Strengthen our Economy

By: Jeff Leach – jeffleach.com

Lowering Taxes 

Taxes should be lowered so that hardworking taxpayers can keep more of what they earn in their own pocket – where it does the most good.  During the 83rd Legislative Session I passed legislation spurring stable job growth by providing substantive tax relief for small and mid-sized Texas businesses.  Most recently, during the 84thLegislative Session, I proudly co-authored legislation providing the largest tax cut in Texas history – giving Texas business and property owners nearly $4 billion in tax relief!

Repealing the Franchise Tax 

I am committed to the full repeal of the onerous franchise tax.  Flawed from its inception, the franchise tax has created harmful strains on our state’s economy.  According to a 2012 Tax Foundation estimate, the full elimination of the franchise tax would move Texas’ corporate tax ranking from 38th to 1st among all 50 states. I will continue to advocate for legislation aimed towards its full repeal.

Reducing the Size & Scope of Government 

I will continue to work vigorously to remove unnecessary regulations in order for businesses to grow and create new jobs, while reducing the size and scope of government to create more economic freedom for individuals, families and businesses in Texas.

Fiscal Responsibility 

Aggressive steps must be taken to eliminate wasteful government spending to keep Texas on our steady path towards economic prosperity.  During the 84th Legislative Session great strides were made to end irresponsible diversions and accounting gimmicks within the state budget.  Most significantly, we put a stop to dishonest practices to ensure a more honest, open and transparent budget that Texas taxpayers expect and deserve.  Further, I proudly authored legislation providing stricter spending limits within our state budget to ensure a leaner, more fiscally sound government.

Invest in Critical Infrastructure 

With the rate of growth expected in Texas in the coming years, we must continue to invest in our state’s critical infrastructure – including water resource development and transportation – to meet the demands of and to serve the Texans of today and the future Texans of tomorrow. Transportation and natural resource infrastructure are core functions of government that must be addressed head-on with bold, fiscally conservative solutions.

In 2013 I was proud to co-author legislation addressing our state’s long term water needs by formulating a sustainable plan to provide the vital capital needed to fund the Texas State Water Plan.  Most recently during the 84th Legislative Session we worked diligently to provide substantial funding measures for public, non-tolled roadways across Texas.

Improve Public Education 

Our tax dollars must be directed to our children’s classrooms – where they do the most good.  As parents, we must re-establish the control of our education system at the local level – with parents, teachers and administrators working together to provide the best solutions for our communities.

In 2013 I proudly co-authored landmark legislation, known as House Bill 5, reforming our curriculum standards in Texas, providing flexibility for graduation pathways, encouraging workforce preparedness and improving assessment and accountability measures. In 2015 I advocated for legislation providing greater accountability within our public school systems across Texas, instituting an A-F rating system for our schools. Additionally, I have been on the front lines in the fight to keep Common Core and C-Scope, and other reckless curriculum, out of our classrooms. Much progress has been made on this front and you can count on me to continue the fight!

Promote & Protect the Second Amendment 

Our right to bear arms is one of the most sacred freedoms protected by the Constitution and I am committed to defending and preserving this liberty.  This right to bear arms is not granted by the Government – it is a fundamental right upon which Government may not infringe. As a constitutional conservative, I will continue to fight against any unconstitutional regulation of gun ownership and will work to expand the situations and places in which lawful gun owners may carry.  During the 84thLegislative Session I was proud to co-author the monumental “Open Carry” legislation and fought for its ultimate passage, making Texas the 45th state in America to allow a form of open carry.

Promoting a Culture of Life 

I believe that every life is created for a purpose and that, as such, Texas should be known not just as a state that protects life, but one that actively promotes a culture of life.  We must find new ways to meet Texas women at the point of their need and to provide better options to expectant mothers other than terminating an innocent life.  This includes actively working against organizations that provide misleading and false information to pregnant women, providing materials to schools which promote and encourage abstinence and making adoption in Texas easier and more affordable.

During the 83rd Legislative Session I was proud to co-author House Bill 2 – monumental pro-life legislation banning the practice of abortion after 20 weeks of conception while providing further safeguards and protections for women.  During the 84th Legislative Session I successfully authored and passed a provision in the Texas Budget ensuring that taxpayer dollars do not flow into the pockets of abortion providers and their rogue affiliates.

Protecting Religious Liberty 

Each day our fundamental freedoms are under direct attack, including our First Amendment freedom of religion. During the 84th Legislative Session I authored legislation designed to further safeguard the protection of religious liberties from infringement.   Moreover, I proudly Co-Authored and fought for the passage of the “Pastor Protection Act,” which shields pastors and clergy from being forced to perform certain acts that may violate their religious beliefs.   While we made progress on this issue during the 84th Legislative Session, we should never rest and must always remain vigilant in our efforts to preserve and protect religious liberty.

Secure our Borders 

The first step to immigration reform is to fully and finally secure our borders and ports of entry.   Since the federal government has made it clear that securing our porous border is not a matter of priority, Texas has once again taken matters into its own hands at the state level.  During the 84th Legislative Session we passed monumental reforms and appropriated over $800 million from our state’s general revenue to provide more equipment, more boots on the ground and added training for our state and local law enforcement to protect our citizens from gang violence, human trafficking and drug cartels.

Protect our Neighborhoods 

Our neighborhoods must be safe and I am proud to support and advocate for tough laws that keep dangerous criminals off of our streets.  Specifically, during the 84thLegislative Session I passed landmark legislation cracking down on sexual offenders in our communities. As I have always done, I will continue to advocate for smart and strong criminal justice policies in Texas.