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Victory on HHS Abortion Pill Mandate

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VICTORY! Federal Court Grants Family-Owned, Faith-Based Car Dealership Permanent Relief from HHS Abortion Pill Mandate

Federal district court judge grants permanent injunction, protecting Christian businessman from being forced to violate his religious beliefs—or pay crippling fines

You wouldn’t know it from the media, but legal victories for religious liberty continue to pile up, despite a massive war raging across the nation. One of the areas of victory continues to be the push back against Washington’s attempt to force family businesses to violate their religious convictions for the sanctity of human life.

Last week, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia entered a permanent injunction in favor of Joe Holland Chevrolet in its legal challenge to the federal government’s Abortion Pill Mandate. The injunction permanently protects Joe Holland and his business, Joe Holland Chevrolet, a family-owned, faith-based car dealership in South Charleston, West Virginia, from being required to provide abortion-inducing drugs to employees. And, it prevents the federal government from punishing Joe Holland for obeying his conscience.

“The Court’s ruling reaffirms the constitutional principle that every American is free to live and work according to their beliefs, without fear of punishment by their government,” said Jeff Mateer, Liberty Institute General Counsel. “The government should never coerce faith-based, for-profit businessmen to violate their religious beliefs.”Read More

Source: http://libertyinstitute.org