Biden’s approval ratings and energy costs are the two numbers that have defined his presidency as it sputters into year two.

For more than 40 years, the environmentalist movement has been warning that global warming is the result of mankind’s burning of fossil fuels and poses an “existential threat” to human life.
By: Ryan Ellis – – March 6, 2022 In March 1974, Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda, one of the last Japanese regular army World War II soldiers still “fighting,” surrendered (and even then, he would only come peacefully if his aged former commanding officer was flown to the remote Pacific island where had holed up to personally relieve him). A similar…
By: The Editorial Board – – March 6, 2022 American politicians are suddenly scrambling to ban the U.S. purchase of Russian oil, and the Biden Administration seems likely to go along. Too bad this is a largely symbolic gesture that ducks the main issue: whether to sanction all Russian energy exports. Oil and gas revenue makes up about half…
I know you are already praying about the situation in Ukraine. Will you continue praying with me in a few specific ways? Here are 3 things that have been on my mind: 1. The threat of nuclear war. God does not want us to live in fear, but the existence of nuclear weapons is the reality of our time. Right…
Before President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, there was some speculation about whether he would mention the mess he has created on the U.S.-Mexico border or whether he would simply pretend it did not exist.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen warned that Russia was covertly working to undermine European and U.S. fossil fuel production.
By: Charles C. W. Cooke – – March 3, 2022 During the First World War, the British public took to booing dachshunds in the street — or so I was told as a boy. I always thought this was probably untrue, but I am now beginning to wonder. In the last 48 hours, I have read that “the International…
Those who embrace statist economic policies tend to believe the government can guide and even control human economic actions to achieve whatever goals the statists want to achieve.