Higher prices for basketballs, lipstick, pacemakers, and automobiles — brought to you by the U. S. Federal Reserve Bank, the Biden Administration’s Green Energy policies and Putin’s foreign policy.

While the long-promised ‘swift and severe’ sanctions from the U.S. and its allies took a while to arrive, they are battering the Russian economy.
By: Therese Shaheen – nationalreview.com – February 27, 2022 In Beijing, the two leaders stood together, in a show of diplomacy and convenience, against a common superpower foe. There are many unresolved issues between them, but it seems clear there is enough shared interest in holding the third power in check that the meeting was worth the risks. This may describe…
The debate over parents’ rights regarding how schools operate and what material they teach is reaching a boiling point in the U.S.
Russia is actively attacking Ukraine with airstrikes and ground invasions from multiple fronts. Innocents are attempting escape as world leaders grapple with next steps. This is a time to pray. Russian control of Ukraine would be a disaster for several reasons. It would give Russia control over the “breadbasket of Europe,” one of the world’s largest exporters of grain as…
By: Mark Antonio Wright – nationalreview.com – February 24, 2022 The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has begun. The Ukrainians appear to be fighting hard in the east of their country near Kharkiv, a city of more than a million people, where the bulk of the Ukrainian army and its best units have so far slowed a Russian mechanized advance from…
The U.S. maternal mortality rate has more than tripled in 35 years, according to a government report released Wednesday.
The U.S. economy is facing the worst labor shortage in close to a century, according to new research, raising the prospect of prolonged higher-than-usual inflation.
By: John McCormack – Nationalreview.com – February 18, 2022 With eight months to go until the 2022 midterm elections, Chuck Schumer is planning to hold the first vote in Senate history on a bill that would create a virtually unlimited nationwide right to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy: Versions of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which in an…
Federal courts have ordered that the military cannot punish service members who request religious accommodations to the vaccine mandate.