Earlier this month, the blue-checked U.N. Women Twitter account linked to the definition of “mansplaining,” which is, apparently, “the practice of a man explaining something to a woman in a way that shows he thinks he knows and understands more than she does.” Source: Amy Coney Barrett: Progressives’ Feminist Hypocrisy | National Review
One has to reach back to 1934 to find a reliably conservative majority of justices on the Supreme Court of the United States. With the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump has set in motion a conservative resurgence on the high court. History may be on the verge of repeating itself in more ways than one. Source: The…
Facebook and Twitter largely bungled their efforts Wednesday to limit the spread of a New York Post story about Hunter Biden, inviting allegations of censorship and raising concerns about the how they will handle a flood of information on election night. Source: Facebook, Twitter’s handling of New York Post article raises election night concerns | TheHill
udge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s nominee to succeed the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week. Her confirmation seems very likely. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court confirmation process has become a predictable and partisan affair. Source: Why the Senate Should Confirm Judge Barrett | Mark Movsesian | First Things
By: Kevin D. Williamson – nationalreview.com – October 14, 2020 The Amy Coney Barrett hearings have been the kind of goat rodeo that gives goat rodeos a bad name. Some lowlights: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) came out as a full-blown conspiracy kook, briefly converting the chamber into a “room full of crazy” (“Beautiful Mind conspiracy charts,” Senate Ben Sasse called them) with his hilariously…
I’ve been a Christian for most of my life, the son of a pastor in fact. My whole life I’ve dealt with some social anxiety, never feeling quite comfortable or settled in social situations even with people I genuinely enjoy. But before the Coronavirus, I never really dealt with panic attacks. Source: I’m a Christian author, and I keep having…
When are Republicans going to learn how to talk about race in America, and that they can’t avoid talking about it? Democrats talk about it all the time, and we can be sure that one reason they do so is that it puts Republicans on the defensive. It gives Democrats an edge, and the Republican response confirms it. Source: The…
Darrin Patrick, a megachurch pastor, speaker, and author, died earlier this year. According to Seacoast Church, a multi-site megachurch in South Carolina where he was teaching pastor, he died of what appeared to be a “self-inflicted gunshot wound.” A longtime friend of Patrick noted that pastors often don’t know what to do when they struggle. Source: What does the Bible…
Netflix just released a movie titled Cuties. It is anything but cute. Many feel the “film” is an absolute child-exploiting monstrosity and have joined in on the online conversation to #CancelNetflix. Source: Cuties: Should We Only Be Mad With Netflix?
The US economy is roaring! Over the last few months, we have witnessed the sharpest economic snapback in US history. While many are still out of work, the future looks increasingly promising for those seeking employment. Source: The U.S. Economy Is Roaring Back
TRUMP’S CHANCES. Every day some new poll is published showing Democratic challenger Joe Biden with a big lead over President Trump. Some Trump supporters ignore the news because some of the polls were wrong in 2016. They shouldn’t. The polls are real, and there is no doubt Trump is facing a serious challenge. But those polls don’t tell the whole…