By: David French – – August 24, 2019 There are times here in Year Three of the Trump presidency when I feel like I’m trapped in a nightmarish loop. From Trump’s travel ban to his national-emergency declaration, similar patterns play out over and over again: The Constitution of the United States grants Congress a specific, important power, Congress delegates…
By: Mike Lee – – April 18, 2019 Imagine it’s March 2022. The Republican-controlled Senate has just rejected Speaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, ending any chance of legislative action on climate change before the midterm elections. Heavy rains have caused flooding along the Ohio and Wabash Rivers in Indiana. The governor has called a state of emergency. And with her…
By: Steve Peoples & Thomas Beaumont – – April 26, 2019 Declaring the “soul of this nation” at stake, former Vice President Joe Biden pushed into the crowded 2020 presidential contest and quickly sparked a fierce debate over the direction of the modern-day Democratic Party. Ignoring the political noise in his own party, Biden aimed directly at Donald Trump in…
By: Dr. Merrill Matthews – – April 2, 2019 Today is Equal Pay Day. According to the National Committee on Pay Equity, “This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year.” The NCPE created Equal Pay Day in 1996 “as a public awareness event to illustrate the gap between…
By: Dr. Merrill Matthews – – April 11, 2019 The Electoral College is one of the most critical institutions created by the framers of the Constitution to ensure a stable representative government, yet it’s under attack. Eliminating or effectively neutering the Electoral College — the two options being proposed by many Democrats — would fundamentally alter the country, which, of…
By: David French – – August 24, 2019 There are times here in Year Three of the Trump presidency when I feel like I’m trapped in a nightmarish loop. From Trump’s travel ban to his national-emergency declaration, similar patterns play out over and over again: The Constitution of the United States grants Congress a specific, important power, Congress delegates…
By: Pete Williams – – April 23, 2019 The Supreme Court seemed willing Tuesday to let the Trump administration add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census form that goes to every U.S. household, despite claims from populous states that it would actually make the count less accurate. Both the government and the challengers agree that adding the question…
By: Jade Scipioni – – April 22, 2019 A majority of Millennials between the age of 23 to 38 believe they have faced more financial hardships than previous generations. According to a new survey released Monday by, a whopping 68 percent of millennials polled either “agree” or “strongly agree” that they have had more – and tougher—financial obstacles than past cohorts….
By: Ross Douthat – – April 23, 2019 The murderous radicals who set off bombs and killed hundreds on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka chose their targets with ideological purpose. Three Catholic churches were bombed, and with them three hotels catering to Western tourists, because often in the jihadist imagination Western Christianity and Western liberal individualism are the conjoined…
By: Trais Fredschun – – April 23, 2019 The Easter Sunday attacks on churches, hotels and other sites across Sri Lanka that killed over 300 people have now spurred some lawmakers to call for a full burqa ban. A bill was announced Tuesday on the Facebook page of UNP Parliamentarian Ashu Marasinghe to propose banning the burqa in Sri…
By Rich Lowry – – April 23, 2019 Impeachment has a long history in Anglo America, yet it is widely misunderstood. The collusion fantasy has officially given way to the impeachment fantasy. The passionate investment of the Left in the Mueller investigation had much to do with shock and disbelief at Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 and the hope…