
June 22, 2018
Bladensburg Cross, VA

By: First Liberty – – February 2014 Federal Court of Appeals Orders Removal of 90-Year Old Veterans Memorial Veterans memorials are living reminders of the service and sacrifice of those who gave their lives defending our country’s freedom. However, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit declared unconstitutional the historic cross-shaped Bladensburg World War I Veterans Memorial,…

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June 22, 2018
Bladensburg Cross, VA

By: First Liberty – – February 2014 Federal Court of Appeals Orders Removal of 90-Year Old Veterans Memorial Veterans memorials are living reminders of the service and sacrifice of those who gave their lives defending our country’s freedom. However, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit declared unconstitutional the historic cross-shaped Bladensburg World War I Veterans Memorial,…

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June 22, 2018
Coach Kenedy First Liberty

By: First Liberty – – August, 2016 School district fires football coach Joe Kennedy over prayer The Bremerton School District suspended, and later fired, Coach Kennedy over his silent, 15-second prayer. First Liberty Institute filed a lawsuit against the school district in August 2016, where a federal district court upheld Coach Kennedy’s termination. Following oral arguments in 2017, a…

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June 22, 2018
Coach Kenedy First Liberty

By: First Liberty – – August, 2016 School district fires football coach Joe Kennedy over prayer The Bremerton School District suspended, and later fired, Coach Kennedy over his silent, 15-second prayer. First Liberty Institute filed a lawsuit against the school district in August 2016, where a federal district court upheld Coach Kennedy’s termination. Following oral arguments in 2017, a…

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June 22, 2018
caravan of illegal immigrants

By: Hans von Spakovsky – – June 21, 2018 Who truly is responsible for the 2,000 alien kids who, according to the Associated Press, recently have been separated from their detained illegal alien parents? There is a lot of blame to share. That includes President Bill Clinton and the alien parents themselves, as well as the courts and immigration…

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June 22, 2018
Teacher John Kluge at Brownsburg HS, Indiana

By: Kathleen Joyce – – June 12, 2018 An Indiana school district officially accepted a teacher’s resignation after the educator claimed he was forced to resign for violating the transgender student policy. The Brownsburg Community School Corporation announced it had accepted the resignation of John Kluge, a former Brownsburg High School orchestra teacher, during a school board meeting on…

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June 22, 2018
injured demonstrator carried away from protest in Caracas, Venezuela

By: Nikki Haley – – June 2, 2018 “The president of Venezuela, whose government shoots protesters in the street, recently thanked the international community for its ‘universal vote of confidence’ in that country’s commitment to human rights. The Cuban deputy foreign minister, whose government imprisons thousands of political opponents, once said Cuba has historic prestige ‘in the promotion and…

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June 22, 2018
Canadian Supreme Court Bldg in Ottowa

By: Kate Shellnutt – – June 15, 2018 Trinity Western University has lost a years-long legal fight to launch what would be the only Christian law school in Canada. The Supreme Court of Canada considered a pair of appeals cases involving regional law societies that refused to accredit the Trinity Western program due to the evangelical institution’s student covenant,…

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June 21, 2018
Trump removes notes from his pocket

By: Michael Brendan Dougherty – – June 20, 2018 Immigration should be a winning issue for a restrictionist White House. Instead, the Trump administration keeps shooting itself in the foot. Whenever the populist advisers in the White House get their way on immigration policy, the result is chaos, disorder, hysteria, outrage, diminished popularity for the president, and an intensification…

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June 21, 2018
Rep. Juan Vargas and other Democratic members of Congress protest family separations at U.S.-Mexico border,

By: David French – – June 20, 2018 Will your actions match your rhetoric on family separations? Spend much time online, and you’ll quickly learn. It’s not enough to be opposed to family separation. It’s not enough to believe that Congress should act now to overturn the Flores consent decree, override administration policies, and keep families together at the…

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June 20, 2018

By: Dennis Prager – – June 19, 2018 “Antifa” is to violence what the Southern Poverty Law Center is to words. In short, it is a hate group on the left. The Moral State of Culture The SPLC smears individuals and groups it differs with by labeling them as some form of “hater”: “racist,” “white supremacist,” “extremist” and the…

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