
June 20, 2018

By: Victor Davis Hanson – – June 19, 2018 Much has been written — some of it either inaccurate or designed to obfuscate the issue ahead of the midterms for political purposes — about the border fiasco and the unfortunate separation of children from parents. Rich Lowry’s brief analysis is the most insightful. The media outrage usually does not…

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June 20, 2018
Gamer XBox

By: Dr. Jim Denison – – June 20, 2018 A nine-year-old girl has been sent to rehab after she wet herself while refusing to stop playing the video game Fortnite. “She was so hooked to the game she wouldn’t even go to the toilet,” her mother told a reporter. “My husband saw her light on in the night and…

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June 20, 2018
Chris Pratt at MTV

By: Tyler McCarthy – – June 19, 2018 “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” and “Parks and Recreation” star Chris Pratt was honored with the coveted Generation Award at the 2018 MTV Music and TV Awards. The star used his time on stage to share some advice with fans that included references to his faith. Pratt, 38, took the stage where…

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June 19, 2018
Ragamuffins Coffee House

By: Brock Simmons – – June 17, 2018 Between Baltimore and D.C., in the suburb of Laurel, sits Ragamuffins Coffee House. Run by neighborhood Redemption Community Church, the nonprofit coffee shop opened with the intention of serving the community as well as presenting the Gospel. Until the city instituted a new zoning ordinance, banning the coffee shop from holding…

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June 19, 2018
Trump Supporter - Protester Argue

By: Daniel Darling – – May 31, 2018 Sometimes fighting the problem can end up perpetuating it. It’s a conversation I have almost weekly with a friend or colleague. Can you believe how nasty our politics are? Incivility seems to be an epidemic. Many of our leading thinkers are telling us that our inability to get along seems to…

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June 19, 2018
Inside U.S. Customs and Border Protection detention facility

By: David French – – June 18, 2018 It’s time for legislative impotence to end. One presidential administration enters into a consent decree that creates a “nationwide policy for the detention, release, and treatment of minors in the custody” of federal immigration authorities and makes it binding on future administrations. Another administration unilaterally implements a “catch and release” policy…

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June 18, 2018
illegal immigrant family w/ border control

By: Rich Lowry – – May 28, 2018 The latest furor over Trump immigration policy involves the separation of children from parents at the border. As usual, the outrage obscures more than it illuminates, so it’s worth walking through what’s happening here. For the longest time, illegal immigration was driven by single males from Mexico. Over the last decade,…

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June 18, 2018
5 Ways To Develop A Multigenerational Church

By: Vanderbloemen Search Group – – February 21, 2018 Having a multigenerational church is often considered a highly desirable goal. However, even churches with members spanning the age spectrum can struggle to integrate generations in a meaningful and authentic way. So how do you keep your congregation from self-segregating across generational lines? If you feel like you’re being called…

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June 18, 2018
James Comey FBI 2014

By: The Editors – – June 16, 2018 There is much to admire in Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz’s highly anticipated report on the FBI’s Clinton-emails investigation. Horowitz’s 568-page analysis is comprehensive, fact-intensive, and cautious to a fault. It is also, nonetheless, an incomplete exercise — it omits half the story, the Russia investigation — and it flinches…

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June 15, 2018
Cross Fit Equipment

By: Lindsey Bever – – June 7, 2018 A top CrossFit employee has been fired after applauding a gym that shut down a workout session supporting the LGBT community, saying “celebrating ‘pride’ is a sin.” Russell Berger, who has been previously identified by The Washington Post as a head trainer and company spokesman, made the statement Wednesday on Twitter,…

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June 15, 2018

By: Stephanie N. Taub – – May 18, 2018 A bill in the state assembly would restrict access to information on marriage and human sexuality. People have a right to hear all sides of controversial issues and to decide for themselves what they want to believe. They should be free to buy books and attend conferences that address controversial…

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