By: Molly Prince – – February 7, 2019 Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee condemned the Senate Judiciary Democrats on Thursday for questioning judicial nominees’ religious beliefs before the committee. Democratic Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono denied ever instituting a religious test and scolded Lee for what she believed was censuring her. “You can’t openly, publicly question a nominee about that…

By: Deroy Murdock – – February 7, 2019 The Trump the Left loves to hate was AWOL Where was President Donald Trump during Tuesday’s State of the Union address? The racist, sexist, immigrant-hating, cruel, anti-Semitic, divisive monster who is denounced continuously by his Democrat/media/Left critics was AWOL. My theory? He was sequestered in an undisclosed location and replaced with…
By: The Editorial Staff – – February 6, 2019 Now that Donald Trump has criticized the “new calls to adopt socialism in this country,” Democrats and the media are already protesting that the socialist label doesn’t apply to them. But what are they afraid of—the label or their own ideas? The biggest political story of 2019 is that Democrats…
By: John Nolte – – February 6, 2019 The establishment media fact checkers had it pretty tough Tuesday night. To begin with, they went into the State of the Union knowing they no longer have any credibility with the public, and they came out of it forced to lie or pound out a series of tedious nit-picks. Or, in the…
By: Rachel del Guidice, Jarrett Stepman, & Fred Lucas – – February 06, 2019 President Donald Trump spoke for about one hour and 20 minutes Tuesday night in his second State of the Union address, interrupted–by Fox News Channel’s count—102 times by applause. Trump punctuated his speech by saluting the stories of Americans in the gallery: former prison inmates,…
By: Anita Roman – – February 3, 2019 Trends come and go, and they say looks fade, but one generation is making a bigger effort that others to change that. “Yeah the millennials are more into coming in for skin care treatments,” said Dr. Margaret Husami with Derma Health Skin and Laser. Millennials are defined as individuals born between…
By: Adam Shaw – – February 5, 2019 Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax denies sexual assault claim Fairfax says the relationship was consensual and the assault accusation was fabricated; Garrett Tenney reports from Richmond, Virginia. The woman accusing Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexual assault has retained the law firm that represented Christine Blasey Ford — the California…
By: Josh Shepherd – – February 4, 2019 What began as an effort to protect abortion rights has become a clarifying moment in American culture. On social media and in religious circles, many have expressed shock at a recently enacted abortion law in New York. This week, all three branches of U.S. government will respond to public outrage. On…
By: Matthew Continetti – – February 1, 2019 I’m not a Democrat—in case you haven’t noticed—but Howard Schultz is. And Schultz isn’t one of those Blue Dog, Southern or Midwestern, conservative Democrats either. He’s from Seattle, holds liberal positions on, as far as I can tell, every issue, and has donated gobs of money to the Democratic Party and…
By: Nicholas Phillips – – February 1, 2019 Few Americans identify as fiscally conservative and socially progressive. So why does Howard Schultz think such a platform will win him the presidency? Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, is preparing to run for president. But he’d like you to know that he would be no ordinary candidate — he…
By: Rabbi Yaakov Menken and Lathan Watts – – January 29, 2019 Modern armed forces must contend with that which is euphemized as “collateral damage.” Every military is expected to do its utmost to reduce harm to innocent civilians and is condemned if it is negligent in this regard. A similar standard must apply in our quest for universal human…