
June 13, 2018
Woman using laptop

By: Camille Williams – – June 11, 2018 A new report finds that millennials are hopping from job to job more often than other generations. “They are not just motivated by money. They are motivated by meaning,” said Allison Kaplan, Editor in Chief at Twin Cities Business Magazine, who has typed up articles on millennials and this report she…

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June 12, 2018
Bibles given to North Koreans

By: Josh Shepherd – – June 10, 2018 Following a months-long process of advance work, on Tuesday President Donald Trump and North Korea supreme leader Kim Jong Un are expected to meet face-to-face in Singapore. It will be the first-ever meeting between a U.S. president and a North Korean head of state. On Thursday, President Trump noted the meeting…

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June 12, 2018
overreaction - arguing at a cancelled Trump Rally

By: David French – – June 11, 2018 A nation facing immense cultural challenges vents political rage. This weekend I read two stories that both, in their own ways, summed up the dysfunction that’s dominating American political life. They’re both tales of action and reaction, of reading far too much into the events of modern life — even modern…

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June 11, 2018
Harrold ISD & Guns

By: Rishika Dugyala – – March 22, 2018 All of Harrold Independent School District is packed into a two-story red brick building that sits off U.S. Highway 287, nestled among windmills, a water tower and farmland. The district serves kids from a 200-square-mile area in Wilbarger County near the Texas-Oklahoma border. Everyone knows everyone in this rural district with…

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June 11, 2018

By: Samuel Rodriguez & James Robison – – September 6, 2017 For four years, we’ve worked on the immigration problem together. Here is what we propose. We don’t offer this as the perfect solution. But we do seek diligently to encourage the President, his Administration and Congress to come together at the table of reason and hammer out a…

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June 11, 2018

By: Alex Chediak – – June 9, 2018 Americans are becoming more permissive on moral issues like smoking pot, same sex relations, divorce, pornography, even polygamy. That’s according to Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs survey, which was conducted May 1-10 and released this week. The trends are the interesting part. Smoking Pot In 2018, support for smoking pot was…

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June 11, 2018

By: Kevin D. Williamson – – June 10, 2018 Writing in the Los Angeles Times, Nicholas Goldberg argues that Fox News is “a danger to this country,” as the headline put it. Goldberg is the editorial-page editor of the paper, and he offers the familiar lament: “We live in an era in which Americans are being encouraged to disregard…

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June 8, 2018
Alcatraz prison-bars

By: David Horowitz – – June 5, 2018 Something funny happens when you actually take time to analyze a gravely transformative piece of legislation. It’s something that not a single member of the House who voted for the aptly named First Step Act got a chance to do: You understand the consequences of the bill. Proponents of the bill,…

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June 8, 2018
senate recess - cartoon

By: Paul Mirengoff – – June 7, 2018 Earlier this week, Majority Leader McConnell cancelled most of the Senate’s August recess. He did so in response to the unprecedented obstruction of Senate Democrats in blocking floor votes on President Trump’s nominees. The cancellation hurts Democrats, and not just because it’s a blow against their obstruction. There are more vulnerable…

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June 8, 2018
McConnell & Trump

By: Guy Benson – – June 7, 2018 Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that the upper chamber’s traditional August break would be severely limited this year. Democrats have lashed out at the decision, accusing McConnell of playing partisan hardball in an election year. They say he’s scheming to keep them in session, rather than back home (and…

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June 8, 2018
Larry Kudlow White House Press Conf

By: Fred Lucas – – June 6, 2018 Both Mexico and the European Union on Wednesday announced retaliatory tariffs on U.S. products as President Donald Trump prepares for potentially confrontational talks with allies at the Group of Seven summit. The G-7 gathering will take place Friday and Saturday in Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada. Trump has pushed 25 percent tariffs on…

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