By: Christine Rousselle – – February 26, 2019 Republicans in the House of Representatives are seeking a vote on a new version of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act following a Senate filibuster of the legislation on February 25. The new iteration of the Born-Alive bill, H.R. 926, would require doctors and other medical professionals to give “appropriate care”…

By: Christine Armario – – February 26, 2019 The simple house on a street ridden with potholes in this town on Colombia’s restive border with Venezuela has become a refuge for the newly homeless: 40 Venezuelan soldiers who abandoned their posts and ran for their lives. The young National Guard troops sleep on thin mats on the floor. In…
By: David E. Sanger and Choe Sang-Hun – – February 26, 2019 HANOI, Vietnam — When he vowed to “solve” the North Korea problem just before his inauguration two years ago, President Trump made clear he meant eliminating its nuclear arsenal. But on the eve of a second meeting with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, the president sounds…
By: Rachel del Guidice – – February 25, 2019 Americans are split down the middle as to whether they are pro-life or pro-abortion, a new poll finds, with more Democrats joining the pro-life camp. “In a substantial, double-digit shift … Americans are now as likely to identify as pro-life, 47 percent, as pro-choice, 47 percent,” reads a Marist poll conducted for the…
By: Leah MarieAnn Klett – – February 25, 2019 Christian filmmakers behind the pro-life movie “Unplanned” have refused to alter the film’s message despite being informed by the Motion Picture Association of America that the film will be rated R — unless all scenes of abortions are removed. The film, from Pure Flix Entertainment, tells the true story of former Planned Parenthood…
By: Laura Isensee – – February 13, 2019 Right now, the big idea on the table from Gov. Greg Abbott is to cap annual increases in property tax revenue to 2.5 percent. This plan would give property owners a bigger break than it would give schools extra money — three times as big. In his recent state of the State address, Governor…
By: Andrea Zelinski – – February 15, 2019 A bill to effectively ban abortion by making the procedure illegal after a fetal heartbeat is detected has the support of more than 40 lawmakers in the House, including several legislators who could advance the bill out of a key committee. The Republican-backed bill is one of several filed in more than…
By: Congressman Ron Wright – – January 16, 2019 RON WRIGHT FILES FIRST HOUSE RESOLUTION ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM DAY Press Release WASHINTON, DC — Today Congressman Ron Wright from Texas 6th District introduced his first Resolution before the House on Religious Freedom Day. HR 47 affirms that the United States of America stands united in condemning anti-Semitism in any form. Congressman Wright…
By: Sam Rohrer – – February 21, 2019 Immigration and border control issues dominate our news and divide our nation, but God’s not divided nor is He confused on this or any issue—and we should not be either. In fact, there are clear, biblical principles on why no one should be confused about God’s position on immigration and borders….
By: Scott Rasmussen – – 21 February 2019 03:44 PM Seventy-eight percent of voters nationwide believe it’s appropriate for the U.S. Census Bureau to ask residents if they are citizens of the United States. A national survey found that 14 percent disagree and 8 percent are not sure. That view is held by a solid majority of every…
By: Ronald Brownstein – – February 21, 2019 Bernie Sanders’s entry into the 2020 race amounts to a big stone in a lake: It will generate ripples that touch every other candidate. But his own path to the nomination remains rocky unless he can attract a broader coalition than he did in 2016. Whether or not Sanders claims the…