
August 20, 2018
vote here sign

By: Ross Kecseg – – August 16, 2018 Conservative leaders are calling on the Texas governor to prevent non-citizens and other ineligible persons from voting illegally. According to a statement issued at today’s press conference, more than 280,000 non-citizens in Texas are registered to vote, with another four million registered voters in question. Direct Action Texas (DAT), a watchdog…

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August 17, 2018
hauge evergreen appartments files eviction letter

Evicting elderly residents from their home for holding a Bible Study is not only outrageous, it’s illegal. Ken Hauge is a retired Lutheran minister. He and his wife, Liv, received an eviction notice from Community Realty Company (CRC) stating the Bible study Ken leads in his apartment is a “business activity” and violates his lease. The Bible study previously met…

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August 17, 2018
Omarosa talks to Trump in Press Room

By: Aris Folley – – August 16, 2018 Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman is reportedly believed to have scores of recordings from her time working for President Trump, leaving other aides concerned. The New York Times reported on Thursday that Manigault Newman could have as many as 200 tapes that may contain information about the president and…

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August 17, 2018
Former CIA Director John Brennan

By: David French – – August 16, 2018 Let’s begin with two assertions that should, at least, be relatively uncontroversial. First, Article II of the United States Constitution grants the president broad authority to defend the nation as commander in chief of its armed forces. Second, that authority is not so broad as to always override individual constitutional rights…

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August 17, 2018
pelosi at weekly press conference

By: Mike Lillis – – August 16, 2018 Nancy Pelosi is facing a new problem: an erosion of support from progressives who have long flocked to her side. Rashida Tlaib, the Michigan Democrat all but certain to become one of the first Muslim women to win election to Congress, suggested last week that she’ll oppose the California liberal’s bid…

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August 17, 2018

By:  – Updated Aug. 16, 2018, at 7:22 PM Graph Showing: 3 in 4 Chance Democrats win control (74.6%) 1 in 4 Chance Republicans keep control (25.4%) Graph Showing: Forecast for every districy Graph Showing: Breakdown of seats byparty↑ 80% chance Democrats gain 14 to 57.5 seats 10% chance Democrats gainfewer than 14 seats 10% chance Democrats gainmore than 57.5 seats…

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August 17, 2018
AG Sessions Speech re: Religious Liberty

By: Jeremy Dys – – August 6, 2018 Attorney General Sessions recently announced the formation of a special Department of Justice Task Force with these words: “Freedom of religion has been a core American principle from the very beginning of our country—indeed, it is our ‘first freedom.’” His announcement of a Religious Liberty Task Force to “institutionalize” the process…

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August 16, 2018
Baker Jack Phillips decorates a cake in his Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood

By: David French – – August 15, 2018 Even after a 7–2 Supreme Court decision protecting Colorado custom baker Jack Phillips from overt religious discrimination, the state is doubling down. It’s participating in and empowering a grotesque campaign of discrimination and harassment that should shock the conscience of sensible Americans. Phillips, you’ll recall, is the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop,…

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August 16, 2018
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo

By: Joseph Spector & Jon Campbell – – August 15, 2018 Gov. Andrew Cuomo gave an impassioned speech Wednesday by knocking President Donald Trump over his comments and policies toward women. Then Cuomo was stung by his own comments as he derided Trump when he said, “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.”…

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August 15, 2018
Millennials rally for socialism

By: Frank Newport – – August 13, 2018 For the first time in Gallup’s measurement over the past decade, Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism. Attitudes toward socialism among Democrats have not changed materially since 2010, with 57% today having a positive view. The major change among Democrats has been a less…

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August 15, 2018

By: WTHR Staff – – August 13, 2018 Two-thirds of Millennial-Americans, between the ages of 21 to 32, have nothing saved up for retirement. The National Institute of Retirement conducted the study that shows 66 percent of Millennials aren’t saving, which means only a third are. However, they aren’t doing a great job. More than 80 percent of Millennials…

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