
May 16, 2018
Family at sunset

By: David Roach – – May 15, 2018 Legislation passed in Oklahoma and Kansas to protect the religious liberty of adoption agencies has drawn praise from Baptist leaders in those states and criticism from homosexual activist groups. In Oklahoma, Republican Gov. Mary Fallin signed Senate Bill 1140 on May 11. The measure protects private organizations from being required to…

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May 16, 2018
Trump & Kim Jong-un

By: Anna Fifield – – May 16, 2018 North Korea is rapidly moving the goal posts for next month’s summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump, saying the United States must stop insisting that the North “unilaterally” abandon its nuclear weapons program and stop talking about a Libya-style solution to the standoff. The latest warning, delivered by…

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May 16, 2018

A robotic sound clip saying either “Yanny” or “Laurel” is baffling the internet, not unlike the 2015 picture of a dress that was either black and blue or white and gold. By Maya Salam – – May 15, 2018 Yanny Or Laurel? Three years ago, the internet melted down over the color of a dress. Now an audio file…

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May 16, 2018
It's hard for young conservatives to be interested

By: Ben Shapiro – – May 9, 2018 There’s a generational age gap, but it’s not insurmountable. Young Americans are moving to the left. On virtually every issue, they support the Democratic party. A Harvard University poll taken in December 2017 found that among likely American voters aged 18-29, fully 65 percent supported Democratic control of Congress. Polls consistently…

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May 14, 2018
President Trump - head shot

By: Pat Buchanan – – October 10, 2017 To attend the Indianapolis Colts game where the number of the legendary Peyton Manning was to be retired, Vice President Mike Pence, a former governor of Indiana, flew back from Las Vegas. With him in the stadium was wife Karen. In honor of Manning, she wore a No. 18 jersey as…

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May 14, 2018
Temple Mount - Israel

By: Staff – – May 14, 2018 One of President Donald Trump’s most contentious foreign policy projects, the inauguration of a U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, is being carried out  Monday even as peace in the Middle East seems more elusive than ever. “Today we open the United States embassy in Jerusalem, Israel,” U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said at…

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May 14, 2018
Israel's 70th anniversary

By: Gary Bauer – – May 4, 2018 Standing With Israel It’s been a busy week, my friends! I was at the White House twice this week, and this morning I was honored to attend a Christian solidarity event at the Israeli Embassy. I joined hundreds of Christian leaders demonstrating our support for the Jewish state. We were there…

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May 11, 2018
Hilary Clinton

By: Larry Elder – – May 10, 2018 Hillary Clinton recently offered yet another reason why she lost her second consecutive race for the presidency: capitalism. At the Shared Value Leadership Summit in New York City, Clinton was asked whether her self-proclaimed “capitalist” stance hurt her during the 2016 presidential primary season. “It’s hard to know,” she said, “but I…

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May 11, 2018
Hilary Clinton

By: Larry Elder – – May 10, 2018 Hillary Clinton recently offered yet another reason why she lost her second consecutive race for the presidency: capitalism. At the Shared Value Leadership Summit in New York City, Clinton was asked whether her self-proclaimed “capitalist” stance hurt her during the 2016 presidential primary season. “It’s hard to know,” she said, “but I…

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May 11, 2018
FILE PHOTO: Silhouettes of mobile users are seen next to a screen projection of Facebook logo in this picture illustration

By: Eric Wilson – – May 10, 2018 High-priced lawyers and a PR blitz aren’t nearly enough to fix the problem. Facebook’s announcement last week that it is hiring former Republican senator Jon Kyl and his law firm, Covington & Burling, to investigate anti-conservative bias on the platform reveals that Mark Zuckerberg sees such bias as a PR issue…

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May 11, 2018
Building US-Mexico-Border-Wall

By: Daniel Marulanda & James Agresti – – May 8, 2018 The border between the United States and Mexico stretches for 1,960 miles, parting two major regions of the world with vastly different governments, standards of living, and levels of crime. Consequently, many millions of people have risked their lives to illegally cross the border into the United States….

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