By: David French – – September 5, 2018 We hear a lot about norms these days. We live in a time when alleged pre-existing norms of decency, civility, and respect are being cast aside for the sake of “winning.” The ends justify the means, and a dignified loser is just that: a loser. There is a real sense that…
By: Hannah Giorgis – – September 5, 2018 Monday afternoon, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick tweeted a tightly cropped grayscale photo of his face, emblazoned with a simple message: “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” Below Kaepernick’s lips, the Nike logo accompanied the company’s pithy slogan: “Just do it.” For Kaepernick, the “something”…
By: Pete Scazzero – – August 2018 Pete Scazzero is the founder of New Life Fellowship Church in Queens, New York City, a large, multiracial church with more than seventy-three countries represented. After serving as senior pastor for twenty-six years, Pete now serves as a teaching pastor/pastor at large. He is the author of The Emotionally Healthy Leader and…
By: Ayesha Rascoe – – September 4, 2018 White House staff concerned about President Trump’s leadership have hidden documents from him to prevent him from signing off on certain actions, according to reports about an explosive new book from renowned Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward. Woodward’s latest book, Fear, is focused on the Trump White House and is set…
By: Brian Naylor – – September 4, 2018 The first day of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings was long on quarreling, protesting and speechifying. While good theater, there was little actually learned about the man whom President Trump has nominated for a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court. Here are a few takeaways from Tuesday’s often…
By: John R. Lott, Jr. – – September 3, 2018 Politicians at Senator McCain’s funeral were bemoaning the loss of civility in politics, and Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing this week for the Supreme Court surely promises to prove that. There definitely has been a decline in political civility in recent years. Some say it started with Robert Bork’s…
By: Ken Blackwell – – September 3, 2018 Spoiler alert: it’s easy to predict much of what will happen this week during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. That’s because Democrats showed their hands almost immediately after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Court, when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) took to the…
Texas Supreme Court: Cheerleaders Win Again! Court rejects the Kountze ISD latest attack on cheerleader’s freedom to have Bible verses on run-through banners. Austin, TX—The Texas Supreme Court today denied to hear the Kountze Independent School District’s appeal of an earlier decision protecting the right of cheerleaders in that district to have Bible verses on run-through banners. Lead appellate counsel…
Texas Supreme Court: Cheerleaders Win Again! Court rejects the Kountze ISD latest attack on cheerleader’s freedom to have Bible verses on run-through banners. Austin, TX—The Texas Supreme Court today denied to hear the Kountze Independent School District’s appeal of an earlier decision protecting the right of cheerleaders in that district to have Bible verses on run-through banners. Lead appellate counsel…
By: Streiff – – August 30, 2018 Michael Wang should have been a shoo-in for admission to an elite university. He was second in his high school class of 1,002 students and maxed the ACT. He was musically accomplished; he was selected to sing at Barack Obama’s inauguration and got third place in a national piano contest. He was…
By: Jeff Stoffer – – August 30, 2018 A gold-plated .22-caliber repeating rifle engraved with images of a bald eagle, the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell is on its way from the 100th American Legion National Convention in Minneapolis to the White House in Washington, D.C. President Donald J. Trump is the recipient of the rifle, the annual prize for…