
January 10, 2018

David Brooks – – JAN. 8, 2018 The quality of the opposition is deteriorating. Let me start with three inconvenient observations, based on dozens of conversations around Washington over the past year: First, people who go into the White House to have a meeting with President Trump usually leave pleasantly surprised. They find that Trump is not the raving…

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January 10, 2018
college campus

By David Brancaccio – – January 08, 2018 The GenForward survey spoke with millennials about their views on the future of America. We’re nearing the one-year mark of the Trump administration. With policies that are starkly different from the previous eight years under President Barack Obama, how are young people feeling about the future of the country? There’s a project out…

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January 10, 2018

By: Catherine Lucey - – January 10, 2018 President Winfrey? No way, says political prognosticator Donald Trump. “I’ll beat Oprah,” the president declared flatly at a White House meeting Tuesday — though he quickly added, “I don’t think she’s going to run.” Asked about all the presidential speculation suddenly swirling around Winfrey, the typically pugilistic Trump steered clear of nasty…

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January 10, 2018

By: Seung Min Kim, Heather Caygle, Ted Hesson and Rachel Bade – – January 9, 2018 President Donald Trump’s freewheeling, televised — and, at times, incoherent — immigration meeting with lawmakers Tuesday accomplished one thing at least, according to attendees: They agreed on what they would try to agree on. Yet even that tentative outline is prompting pushback from…

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January 9, 2018

By John Zmirak  – – January 1, 2018 I dream that in 2018 we’ll see Justice Ginbsurg retire. And Pope Francis. And zero funding for Planned Parenthood, plus a pro-life president of Mexico. Last time I urged the reader to prayer with my list of the “big three” bad events I hope we don’t undergo in 2018. So it…

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January 9, 2018
graduating class

By: Sheriff David Clarke (Ret.) – – January 06, 2018 When all 164 of Washington D.C. Frank W. Ballou Senior High School’s graduating seniors last year applied for and were accepted to college, the whole community—students, teachers, administrators, parents, and education reformers—had reason to celebrate the achievements of these obviously hard-working graduates. With a graduating class the school system…

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January 9, 2018
Trump speaks to farmers – January 8, 2019 Connecting with rural Americans, President Donald Trump on Monday hailed his tax overhaul as a victory for family farmers and pitched his vision to expand access to broadband internet, a cornerstone of economic development in the nation’s heartland. “Those towers are going to go up and you’re going to have great, great broadband,” Trump told…

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January 9, 2018
Fire & Fury book

By: Sebastian Gorka – – January 8, 2018 Don’t believe Michael Wolff’s book about Trump if you want the truth When I worked in the White House, I was viewed as strange by many of my colleagues on Sean Spicer’s press team. Although, as a deputy assistant to President Trump, I could regularly be seen on the major news…

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January 8, 2018

Lawmakers invited a Yale psychiatry professor who edited a book about President Donald Trump’s mental state to brief them on Capitol Hill in December. Source: Washington’s growing obsession: The 25th Amendment – POLITICO

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January 8, 2018

Lawmakers invited a Yale psychiatry professor who edited a book about President Donald Trump’s mental state to brief them on Capitol Hill in December. Source: Washington’s growing obsession: The 25th Amendment – POLITICO

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January 8, 2018
trump one finger 780x438

By Haley Byrd – – January 06, 2018 On Wednesday night, before Washington was completely consumed by Michael Wolff’s West Wing tell-all, Politico published a piece feeding into a different frenzy: the notion that Congress was concerned President Trump might be mentally unfit for office. The article, titled “Washington’s growing obsession: The 25th amendment,” claims that more than a…

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