A year-long collaboration between the Hive, theSkimm, and SurveyMonkey focuses on female millennials as they prepare to vote in the 2018 midterms. This round takes a look at gender inequality in the workplace on Equal Pay Day. By: Maya Kosoff – vanityfair.com – April 9, 2018 It’s a familiar story to almost any woman in the workforce, from minimum-wage earners…

By: Craig Timberg, Tony Romm, & Elizabeth Dwoskin – washingtonpost.com – April 10 at 8:19 PM Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg endured an hours-long grilling by dozens of U.S. senators Tuesday during which he repeatedly apologized and promised privacy reforms but also pointedly defended his company against the threat of new legislation. Zuckerberg invoked Facebook’s unlikely journey — from a…
A third of 25-29 year-olds live with their parents or grandparents. In 1970, only 12% did the same. By: Dan Kopf – qz.com – April 10, 2018 BOOMERANG GENERATION Parents in the US cannot get rid of their kids. The share of young adults in their late 20s living with their parents is the highest it’s been in 75 years….
By: Dr. Jim Denison – denisonforum.org – September 6, 2017 This is an historic moment for evangelical Christians in America. A group of Christian leaders met recently in Nashville, Tennessee, to ratify a statement regarding biblical sexuality. More than 150 leaders signed the document, now known as the “Nashville Statement.” The group’s organizer stated, “It was our aim to say…
By: Gary Bauer – mailchi.mp – April 9, 2018 To: Friends & Supporters From: Gary Bauer BREAKING NEWS FBI agents have raided the New York office of Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen. Stephen Ryan, an attorney for Cohen, called the raid “completely inappropriate and unnecessary.” Cohen was not representing President Trump in the Mueller investigation, so at this point…
By: Matt Rinaldi – mattrinaldi.com – February 26, 2018 On Monday, Representative Matt Rinaldi (R-Irving) issued a letter to all Texas Catholic bishops asking them to rescind a recent Parish Advisory in which the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB) urged Catholics to abstain from participating in activities with Texas’ oldest and largest pro-life organization. In his letter, Rinaldi, who…
[upgm] During the show on Monday, April 9th Foster Friess surprised Kerby with a challenge to the listeners. Foster said he would match donations up to $46,000!
By: Michael Farris – foxnews.com – March 20, 2018 What if the government required all Alcoholics Anonymous groups to recite an advertisement for a local bar before every single meeting? Imagine a group of people, struggling with alcohol abuse, trying hard to leave their addiction behind, being forced to endure a message about happy hour specials. And all this—delivered by…
By: Foster Friess – usatoday.com – March 9, 2018 If we are going to help avoid new generations of school violence like that unleashed in Parkland, Fla., last month, changing laws isn’t enough. We have to address the core of the problem: the shooter himself. Who was Nikolas Cruz? Like many other mass shooters, fatherless or a victim of divorce,…
cornerstonereport.com – March 26th, 2018 It was another tough week on Wall Street as the indices plunged two days in a row with more news on tariffs, even with some of it positive. The Dow plunged over 700 points on Thursday and then 400 on Friday, March 22nd and 23rd. Trump announces tariff exemptions Investor’s Business Daily reports that investors…
By: Guy Benson – townhall.com – April 05, 2018 Nancy Pelosi didn’t have a great day yesterday, making an embarrassing, ‘Anchorman’-style mistake on social media, then handing Republicans another ready-made attack line against Democrats heading into the fall. On the Twitter faux pas, it looks like she or somebody on her staff was supposed to tag a tweet with names…