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Attack on Pro-Life Group

Matt Rinaldi
By: Matt Rinaldi – – February 26, 2018

On Monday, Representative Matt Rinaldi (R-Irving) issued a letter to all Texas Catholic bishops asking them to rescind a recent Parish Advisory in which the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB) urged Catholics to abstain from participating in activities with Texas’ oldest and largest pro-life organization.

In his letter, Rinaldi, who is a pro-life Catholic, states, “the Advisory misstates facts regarding Texas Right to Life’s advocacy in the legislature, is specifically tailored to affect a Texas primary election where a specific legislative vote to allow certain third trimester abortions has been a central issue, and is deeply destructive to efforts to expand the pro-life movement to a greater segment of the population by discouraging pro-life volunteers.”

Rinaldi raised questions about the extent to which the Advisory originated from the lay staff and lobbying team and encouraged each of TCCB’s member clergy to personally investigate the facts. He offered to facilitate meetings between TCCB clergy members, legislators, and Texas Right to Life to this end and to discuss how all parties could better unify in the future to promote life saving measures.

The entirety of Rinaldi’s letter can be found here.

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Read MoreSource: Rinaldi Urges Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to Rescind Unfounded Attack on Texas’ Strongest Pro-Life Group