
September 1, 2016

“Borders are the worst invention ever made by politicians.” Those were the words of Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Union’s European Commission, at the Alpbach Media Academy last Monday. Nonsense, most readers will surely think, in numbers going far beyond the legions of Americans dismayed with the choices they face in this year’s presidential race. But it’s worth thinking…

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September 1, 2016

Donald Trump’s meeting with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto not only shows off the GOP nominee’s “leadership,” but may even reset relations between the two nations, ex-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Wednesday. In remarks on CNN’s “New Day,” Lewandowski, now a commentator for the network, said the Trump-Peña meeting will cast Trump in both a favorable political and business light….

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August 30, 2016

Amid the rioting in Milwaukee, there is also a clash between two leading lawmen there — Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and the city of Milwaukee’s Chief of Police Edward Flynn. They have very different opinions about how law enforcement should be carried out. Chief Edward Flynn expresses the view long prevalent among those who emphasize the social “root causes”…

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August 29, 2016

If the U.S. abdicates internet stewardship, the United Nations might take control. When the Obama administration announced its plan to give up U.S. protection of the internet, it promised the United Nations would never take control. But because of the administration’s naiveté or arrogance, U.N. control is the likely result if the U.S. gives up internet stewardship as planned at…

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August 26, 2016

A lower court prohibited a Marine from taping up a Bible verse in her own workspace. Americans serving in the military lost some of their rights earlier this month when the military’s highest court ruled that a Marine has no rights under an important religious freedom law, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). Because this military court has exclusive jurisdiction…

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August 23, 2016

For a sense of how far the left will go to enforce climate-change orthodoxy, read the recently released “Common Interest Agreement” signed this spring by 17 Democratic state attorneys general. The officials pledged to investigate and take legal action against those committing climate wrongthink. Beginning late last year, the attorneys general of Massachusetts, New York and the U.S. Virgin Islands,…

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August 19, 2016

As ObamaCare implodes, Democrats blame insurers. Democrats claimed for years that ObamaCare is working splendidly, though anybody acquainted with reality could see the entitlement is dysfunctional. Now as the law breaks down in an election year, they’ve decided to blame private insurers for their own failures. Their target this week is Aetna, which has announced it is withdrawing two-thirds of…

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August 15, 2016

When it comes to unity, the Democrats talk a good game — but in the end they promote disunity because their electability depends on dividing society into groups and inciting anger, resentment and distrust. I don’t need to cite examples of Democrats’ blaming Republicans for divisiveness and falsely extolling their own aspirations of unity. They are everywhere. It’s what they…

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August 9, 2016

D’Souza links progressives’ sordid, racist past to the Clintons’ current corruption. Dinesh D’Souza, the social commentator who shook up Hollywood with the $33 million earned by his Obama 2016 film, is back with Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party. The film is his response to constant Democratic attacks on Republicans as racist, greedy, and callous toward minority…

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August 9, 2016

A black law professor at Vanderbilt University believes last week’s cop killings at a Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas should signify the end of the movement, saying it’s a Marxist uprising that’s become a “very destructive force in America.” “It’s not really addressing the real problems affecting African Americans,” Carol Swain, a prominent Christian conservative, told CNN, Campus Reformreported….

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August 7, 2016
Black Lives Matter Protest

I feel sorry for Americans who look to Black Lives Matter as an instrument of racial reconciliation. I truly do. There are millions of citizens of good will who are sick to death of racial division and whose hearts ache over the historic inequalities between black and white. They believe that black lives matter, and they want, desperately, to be…

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