
February 10, 2016

MANCHESTER, N.H. — In late January, the New Hampshire Republican Party held a gathering that attracted GOP officials, volunteers, activists, and various other members of the party elite from across the state. At the time, Donald Trump led the Republican presidential race in New Hampshire by nearly 20 points, and had been on top of the polls since July. What…

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February 10, 2016

MANCHESTER, N.H. — As Democrats consider Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for the second time, women are wrestling with a difficult question: whether they have an obligation to get behind someone who is closer than anyone has ever been to becoming the first female president. And with her opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, outdrawing her in support among young women, Mrs….

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February 9, 2016

Overnight I thought about how ridiculous it is that people went to sleep last night thinking about Doritos because of this tweet: #NotBuyingIt – that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses & sexist tropes of dads as clueless & moms as uptight. #SB50 And I kept thinking about three things: life, laughter, and mercy. Starting with laughter, because…

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February 9, 2016

When Sen. Bernie Sanders came within a few coin flips of beating Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucuses, it signaled the Democratic Party’s astounding march toward an outright embrace of socialism. Young Democrats overwhelmingly supported the avowed socialist senator from Vermont, with 84 percent of those under 30 backing him. National polls show similar results. Only voters 45 and older…

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February 9, 2016

‘Chris Christie is loser’ was my alternate title. Not a quote, but it is the basic message from Rush Limbaugh on his show today: Obama does know what he is doing. After a weekend of petty Republican back-stabbing, it’s about time someone showed the sense and backbone to say it. It’s a four minute clip so far too much for…

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February 8, 2016

For seven years now, the president has reprimanded the American people for their attitudes about Islam. And Barack Obama’s big speech to the Islamic Society of Baltimore — granted, filled with many harmless platitudes — was no different, leaving little room for any honest dialogue about ideology or faith. Many of the president’s ideas about “tolerance,” in fact, are antithetical…

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February 8, 2016

For the Record peeps! Thursday night marked the 12th primary debate we’ve tuned into since August. We still have 10 more to go (never mind those pesky general election debates, which are basically Narnia at this point in the cycle). Two of them are in the next week! We hope Martin O’Malley enjoys them from his couch, because we’re counting…

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February 8, 2016

Hillary’s Wall Street Reckoning – Clinton struggles to explain why Goldman paid her $675,000. President Obama has spent seven years denouncing Wall Street and persuading young progressives that the U.S. economy is rigged for the benefit of wealthy financiers. So how will he now persuade them to support Wall Street’s favorite Democrat? This is the political trap Mr. Obama has…

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February 2, 2016

The media have decided that Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was last night’s big winner in the Iowa caucuses. Rubio finished a strong third in Iowa, outperforming the RealClearPolitics poll average by 6.2 percent. Rubio himself spoke as though he had wrapped up the nomination with his finish. And meanwhile, donors are rapidly shifting from Jeb! to Rubio, according to the…

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February 2, 2016

The Florida senator delivered a surprisingly strong finish in Iowa by embracing the frontrunner’s rhetoric. Marco Rubio’s last minute surge in Iowa has a lot in common with John Kerry’s last minute surge to victory in Iowa in 2004. Like Rubio, Kerry was an early frontrunner. Like Rubio, Kerry underperformed all fall as an anti-establishment candidate (Howard Dean) came from…

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February 2, 2016

A few points on what we learned last night in the Hawkeye State, where Ted Cruz won eight nominating delegates, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio each pulled in seven, Ben Carson secured three, and Rand Paul and Jeb Bush each picked off a single delegate: (1) Some laws of political gravity do apply to Donald Trump after all, even in…

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