
July 14, 2016

This is what a real ‘national conversation’ looks like. It seems almost ghoulish to look for a silver lining in the dark cloud that blanketed the nation last week. But I think there was one. The killings by police in Minnesota and Louisiana, quickly followed by the killings of police in Dallas, knocked the lazy certainty out of almost everybody….

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July 12, 2016

Republican front-runner Donald Trump‘s warning against the “false song of globalism” strikes a sharply different note than President Obama did in his recent performance in London. Obama has provided further evidence that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) more closely resembles a scheme for international governance like the European Union rather than a traditional trade agreement. When Obama penned an editorial telling…

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July 11, 2016

The movement has won over Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. But what if its claims are fiction? A television ad for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign now airing in South Carolina shows the candidate declaring that “too many encounters with law enforcement end tragically.” She later adds: “We have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systemic racism.”…

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July 11, 2016

Last week, in a development which is a loss for freedom, pluralism, and tolerance in America, the Supreme Court declined to take up the case of Stormans v. Wiesman. This should not be a difficult case. It involves pharmacy owners (members of the Stormans family) who do not want to dispense certain drugs that can kill human life in its…

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July 11, 2016

If we don’t all take a deep breath, our unrest will only get worse. Last night, as the shots rang out across Dallas – as protesters scattered, and we watched the horrible, endlessly replayed video of a police officer’s cold-blooded murder on cable news – I felt that we were witnessing an unraveling. Our unrest hasn’t yet reached the levels…

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July 7, 2016

Load up on popcorn: The Republican ticket may be poised to go to 11. According to numerous reports, Donald Trump is considering Newt Gingrich as his running mate. And as traffic-baiters like to say on the Internet: You won’t believe what happens next! But first I should come clean. I like Gingrich. My wife worked for him for several years….

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July 7, 2016

When will politicians finally recognize that they can’t protect all the possible shooting targets? Possibly the largest mass public shooting in US history occurred early on Sunday morning, leaving 50 dead. On Friday, also in Orlando, singer Christina Grimmie was murdered after a concert. Both of these shootings had something in common: They both occurred in places where private citizens…

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July 7, 2016

It’s not just the corruption that shocks — it’s the flagrant, shameless display of it. It wasn’t shocking news that Barack Obama’s FBI refused on Tuesday to recommend indictment for felonious former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. The utterly transparent corruption, however — that was shocking. Let’s take a look at the timeline. Last Wednesday, a local CBS reporter spotted…

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July 5, 2016
The Fix is In

The fix was in.Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey painted a devastating picture of Hillary Clinton’s reckless lawbreaking with her emails and the damage it likely caused — but then recommended no charges against her. Source: FBI boss’ outrageous double standard in letting Hillary skate | New York Post

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July 5, 2016
Remember the Fallen

As a retired Army chaplain, I had the honor of serving alongside amazing soldiers who inspired me daily to be better than yesterday. Source: Memorial Day 2016: Remember the fallen. Their sacrifice is often forgotten too soon | Fox News

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July 5, 2016
Stand with Planned Parenthood

West Virginia has passed a law against the abortion of unborn children old enough to feel pain, and abortion groups are not litigating. Source: Abortion of Pain-Capable Children: Laws against Go Unopposed | National Review Online

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