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Don’t Stop Praying

Open US economy

In many places around the nation, state and local governments are well into their reopening plans. For a lot of people, it’s encouraging to see life getting back to normal again. But the threat of COVID-19 isn’t gone, especially for demographics that were always more at risk.

As the reopening continues, our nation needs prayer, and I hope you’ll join me in praying. Pray that as the economy gets back on its feet, we will not see a dramatic spike in new infections. Pray that families who are struggling due to unemployment will be able to get back to work and see God’s provision. Pray for our leaders. They are balancing health concerns, economic concerns, and must also work to prevent another major outbreak while safeguarding our constitutional rights. It’s a job that requires the kind of wisdom and discernment only God can supply.

This is not the first crisis America has endured, and it won’t be the last. Throughout our great nation’s history, American believers have cried out to God for help — and we’ve seen his blessings. I believe we will see continued blessings in America, as long as we remain united in prayer and faithfulness to the Lord.

God bless America,

Kerby Anderson, Host
Point of View Radio Talk Show