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Pray for Racial Reconciliation

Nashville police officer prays with protestor

A string of recent race-related incidents have exposed painful divisions that run deep in our society. The most high profile of these incidents — the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer — launched our nation into a renewed conversation about racial injustice.

CBS News reports that there have been over 700 Black Lives Matter demonstrations spanning all 50 states since Floyd’s death, including in many smaller, rural towns not typically home to such events. There have even been multiple international protests, with tens of thousands of people in Europe and other continents demonstrating solidarity with those standing up to racism in America. While hundreds of protests have been peaceful, others have tragically turned violent, with rioting and looting destroying lives and livelihoods.

Those who haven’t dealt with racism firsthand may find it difficult to understand the pain and experiences leading so many to protest. Others may feel that their voices have not been heard, or that their problems have been dismissed. These things can cause us to feel alienated, even from fellow Christians that we should be able to turn to and lean on.

In short, our nation needs prayer. As difficult as this time is, it’s also an opportunity. It’s an opportunity for believers to rise above racial divisions by demonstrating God’s love for all people, seeking justice where it’s needed, and helping our nation to heal.

Please join me in praying that the Church in America will take advantage of this opportunity. Pray for humility, grace, and understanding as we listen to each other and unite as the body of Christ. Pray for true and complete racial reconciliation as America continues to heal from a troubled past. Pray that solutions will be peaceful and productive.