Masterpiece Ruling

Penna Dexter The Colorado cake baker won his case at the US Supreme Court. But was the 7-2 ruling only for him?  His attorney, Kristen Waggoner, says Jack Phillips is not the only winner. She wrote in the Washington Post that “many other artists who share Phillips’ religious belief will benefit from the decision.” David Cole, the ACLU lawyer who…

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College: Worth It?

Penna Dexter Economist Walter Williams says it’s dishonest to boast about the nation’s highly touted 80-percent high school graduation rate. The National Assessment of Educational Progress for 2017 showed that 63 percent of 12th graders were not proficient in reading and 75 percent were not proficient in math. Dr. Williams says, when it comes to college there’s a big disconnect…

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A Bright Line

Penna Dexter The US Department of Health and Human Services is issuing a rule that lines up with the principle that abortion is not health care. The Trump HHS is updating a rule to bring the Title X Family Planning Grant Program back in line with what existed under the Ronald Reagan administration. President Reagan’s “protect life rule” prevented family…

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#MeToo Quotas

Penna Dexter The #MeToo movement is curtailing sexual predation in the workplace. But it has a growing destructive component. Institutions across society are doing all they can to make certain the term “all white male” could never be used to describe them. Journalist, attorney, and Manhattan Institute Fellow Heather Mac Donald spoke about this to students and faculty at Hillsdale…

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Bye-Bye Boy Scouts

Penna Dexter No one should be shocked at the announcement that the Boy Scouts of America will drop the word “boy” from the name of the program that has served young boys for 102 years. Beginning in February this program will be known as Scouts BSA. We’ve known this was coming since last’s year’s announcement that the organization is opening…

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Censoring Chastity

Penna Dexter A book-banning law has passed the lower chamber of the California legislature. Actually, the bill bans more than books. It bans anything that an individual might purchase that expresses Christian orthodox beliefs about how a person should deal with sexual orientation or gender identity issues. The proposed law treats honest endeavors to alter same sex attractions as criminal…

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GQ: Bible Overrated

Penna Dexter GQ — once Gentleman’s Quarterly — was launched in 1931 as a magazine of fashion, style, and culture. Men look to it for advice on grooming, gadgets, and apparel. The current version delves into current events and culture. But the magazine has, perhaps, overstepped its mission statement in the April issue with an opinion article from the publication’s…

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Better Feminism

Penna Dexter Many tributes to Former First Lady (and First Mom) Barbara Bush describe her 1990 Wellesley graduation speech, which placed her, at least according to the Washington Post, “at the center of a national debate about the nature of feminism that would continue for decades.” Feminists claim their movement is about making choices, but 150 Wellesley students protested that…

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Work for Food

Penna Dexter With unemployment at a low 4.1 percent, businesses are complaining that they can’t find enough workers. The WALL STREET JOURNAL says the shortage is due, in part, to “government benefits that corrode a culture of work.” Consider SNAP, the nation’s food stamp program. More than 40 million Americans are in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. That’s up from…

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Sex Ed Sit-Out

Penna Dexter The US Centers for Disease Control has declared April STD Awareness month. They cite the latest data to point out that Sexually Transmitted Diseases are at record levels and that young people, for behavioral and biological reasons, are at high risk of contracting STDs. The CDC’s plan of action is “Talk, Test, and Treat.” OK. But how about…

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Paid Maternity Leave

Penna Dexter On the campaign trail, Candidate Trump unveiled a childcare proposal that included six weeks of guaranteed paid maternity leave. Back then no one expected anything close to this to get through the GOP House. But, as Washington Post columnist George Will points out, “limited government conservatism has become a persuasion without a party.” The recently passed Tax Cuts…

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