Heads Down

Penna Dexter The current political environment requires tremendous determination on the part of our leaders to keep their heads down and get things done. This necessity became crystal clear to me recently as I sat in a crowded hotel ballroom in Washington DC and listened to Vice President Mike Pence speak. He’s always positive. I’m pretty sure he puts on…

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Ivanka’s Idea

Penna Dexter In her capacity as “First Daughter,” and before she took an official position at the White House, Ivanka Trump organized a meeting with Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood. Since congress was considering proposals to defund Planned Parenthood, by far the nation’s largest abortion provider, Ivanka wanted to learn more. Planned Parenthood’s executive Vice President, Dawn Laguens told…

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UN and Israel

Penna Dexter A couple of weeks ago there was an event at the White House honoring Israel on its 69th Independence Day. Vice President Mike Pence gave what has been described as “a stirring tribute” to this nation which has traditionally enjoyed close ties with the United States. It’s nice to see the US acting like a friend and ally…

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Prom Rules

Penna Dexter It’s prom season 2017, and it’s worth noting that going to the prom is becoming an increasingly complex endeavor. There are some lovely traditions that have arisen, like inviting parents to the pre-prom picture-taking party. And some safer ones, like transporting prom-goers in limos or buses. Prom presents an opportunity for students to exhibit organizational skills their parents…

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Liberal Snowflakes

Penna Dexter Vice President Mike Pence is scheduled to be the commencement speaker at the University of Notre Dame this year. But two snowflake types in Notre Dame’s senior class say that, because he represents the Trump administration, the vice president’s presence on campus will make them feel “unsafe.” Notre Dame often invites newly elected presidents to address the graduates,…

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Targeting Copts

Penna Dexter My husband had back surgery and he’s been rehabbing with a physical therapist who is a Coptic Christian. Her parents migrated to the US from Egypt. When we mentioned the Palm Sunday bombings of churches in Tanta — 60 miles from Cairo — and Alexandria, she acted as if she’s resigned to it. She said, “Our churches have…

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Three Pro-life Actions

Penna Dexter The U.S. Congress and the Trump Administration have taken three significant actions to prevent American taxpayer dollars from being used to fund or promote abortion. All three are reversals of Obama Administration policies. One involves domestic policy. Some states prefer to direct Title X funds toward health clinics that provide family planning services to poor women, but not…

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Deconstructing Gender

Penna Dexter The Associated Press announced updates to its Stylebook, providing journalists with direction for referring to transgender and gender fluid people. The 2017 AP Stylebook approves the use of “they,” “them,” and “their” to refer to individual transgender people and also to people who do not identify with either gender. Paula Foke, lead editor of the AP Stylebook elaborated,…

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Respecting Religious Liberty

Penna Dexter As the Senate Judiciary Committee began confirmation hearings for Judge Neil Gorsuch, columnist Dahlia Lithwick wrote a piece in SLATE complaining about the judge’s deference toward religious liberty in his rulings. Ms. Lithwick, an attorney by training, wrote that, “His record reflects a pattern of systematically privileging the rights of religious believers over those of religious minorities and…

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Texas Privacy Act

Penna Dexter When President Trump rescinded his predecessor’s school shower and bathroom edict, the matter landed right where it belongs, in the laps of the states. And my home state of Texas is leading on the issue. On February 22, President Trump reversed Obama guidelines issued last May that specified that transgender students have the right to use public school…

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Day Without Women

Penna Dexter So — the Left organized something they called “A Day Without a Woman.” On March 8th  women were supposed to stay home from work, wear red, and refuse to shop. The idea — I guess — is that the pain caused to employers and businesses was supposed to highlight the value of women. The effort, which organizers admitted…

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