Genocide is a strong word. But it has a precise definition. It now describes the situation with respect to religious minorities, specifically Christians and Yezidis, in areas of the Middle East controlled by ISIS. Christians are being wiped out in the Middle East. In Iraq and Syria, they are being exterminated simply because they are Christians. They are being persecuted,…
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Last spring, a new abortion clinic opened in Montgomery County, Maryland. It’s called Carafem and it advertises a “spa-like” experience. Women entering the clinic are provided with cushy spa robes, tea, and a pill — to end the life of their unborn child. This abortion spa has a sort of salon atmosphere with wood floors and plush upholstery. Eight videos…
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The release of videos, by the Center for Medical Progress, exposing Planned Parenthood’s participation in the trafficking of baby body parts warrants criminal investigation. The Heritage Foundation summed it up by pointing out three ways in which Planned Parenthood may be violating the law. First, we must ask: “Is Planned Parenthood receiving too much money in exchange for the body…
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No matter what’s on the busy parenting calendar, reading aloud to our children is a satisfying indulgence moms and dads should never feel guilty about. It’s good for kids — and parents. Children’s author and Newbury Medalist Kate Camillo says, “I do think that people, in the rush and clamor and get-things-done-ness of daily life, need to be reminded about…
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Polls show that American society is becoming more and more pro-life and that’s excellent news, due in no small measure to the heroic work of the pro-life movement over the years. Technology that allows us an increasingly clear and awe-inspiring window into the womb means no one can deny this is a human life. This probably explains why expectant parents…
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We ought not to relegate Greece’s problems to Greece or even just to Europe. It’s true that Greece’s economy is only about the size of Louisiana’s and comprises just about 2 percent of the euro zone economy. The markets could absorb a Greek default. Greece’s contagion will not be economic, but political. Washington Post economics columnist Robert Samuelson advises that…
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There aren’t many times in life when a person hopes, really hopes, and prays fervently that they are wrong about something. Now is one of those times for me. I had hoped that if same-marriage were ever forced on the nation, as it now has been, the Left would be content with the victory and find a way to co-exist…
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Last Friday morning the Supreme Court announced its decision. It found a sweeping “right” to same-sex marriage nationwide, in every state, even those whose laws specify otherwise. The White House reflected the celebratory atmosphere the gay community carried out all day. Friday evening, the rainbow colors, emblematic of the mainstreaming of the homosexual lifestyle, were projected onto its north face….
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The Wall Street Journal reports on the fact that the five largest commercial health insurers in the U.S. are pursuing various combinations of mergers and/or purchases of one another. In an editorial, The Journal expresses concern about the possibility of “all five fusing into one monster conglomerate.” They call this an oligopoly. The Journal, explains the phenomenon, saying “the economics…
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The United States Senate now has before it the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The bill, which passed the House in May by a 242-184 vote, bans abortions after 20 weeks gestation. There’s now a broad consensus that the fetus feels pain by this point in its development, if not much earlier. South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham introduced this…
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If there were ever a modern-day version of The Emperor Has New Clothes, the Bruce/oh-I-mean-Caitlyn Jenner story is it. The freak show that is Bruce Jenner’s protracted coming-out party is making some otherwise-smart people look pretty silly. Caitlyn Jenner has made a well-orchestrated debut. And what a story! A former college football player and Olympic gold medalist. A reality-show success….
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