Welcome to our Weekend Edition show. Joining Kerby around the table today are Penna Dexter and Debbie Georgatos. Together they look at the top stories in the news and give your their point of view. We value your point of view so give us a call at 800-351-1212.
Joining the conversation in the second hour is Christiana Holcomb from Alliance Defending Freedom, she tells is more about the Trinity Lutheran Church v. Pauley case currently being heard before the Supreme Court.

For eight years she served as Marlin Maddoux’s co-host on Point of View and for two years she co-hosted a daily drive time live broadcast on the Dallas-based Criswell Radio Network.
Penna’s interest in conservative politics and the issues that affect the family began when she was a child working on political campaigns with her parents. She graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in International Relations. She spent 8 years in the banking industry. She and her husband Todd have three children who are in their twenties. They are members of Trinity Presbyterian Church.

Since joining ADF in 2012, Holcomb has worked to protect the freedom of churches, Christian schools, and Christian ministries to freely exercise their faith without government interference. She also advocates for these issues as an Alliance Defending Freedom Regional Legal Academy faculty member and as a conference speaker throughout the country.
Holcomb earned her J.D. at Oak Brook College, graduating summa cum laude in 2010. She also completed the Alliance Defending Freedom leadership development program to become a Blackstone Fellow in 2010. She is admitted to the bar in California and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

Isis have claimed responsibility for the attack, in which the officer was said to have been killed while in a car before the assailant was himself shot dead by police.
French President Francois Holland said he was convinced the "cowardly killing" on the busy shopping street in the centre of the capital was an act of terrorism.
Paris prosecutors said they had identified the suspect, but would not release his name until it had been assessed whether he acted alone. Officials said the suspect had previously been flagged as an extremist.

If the media accurately and comprehensively reported on leftist mob violence, it would see that a pattern has emerged: On campus and in the streets, a violent or menacing core seizes the ground it wants, blocks access to buildings, and shuts down the speech or events it seeks to suppress. This violent core is often surrounded and protected by a larger group of ostensibly “peaceful” protesters who sometimes cheer aggression wildly and then provide cover for the rioters, who melt back into the crowd. After the riot, the polite progressives condemn the violence, urge that it not distract from the alleged rightness of the underlying cause, and then do virtually nothing to enforce the law and punish the offenders.

March organizers say “our diversity is our greatest strength.” They say “a wealth of opinions, perspectives, and ideas is critical for the scientific process.” But they don’t really mean it. Their passion for diversity extends to race, religion, nationality, gender and sexual orientation, but not to opinions, perspectives and ideas.
In particular, it doesn’t extend to diversity of opinion about two controversial ideas. The first idea is that you evolved from ape-like ancestors by unguided processes such as accidental mutation and natural selection. The second idea is that manmade global warming threatens civilization, and our government must take drastic action to stop it, even if that means wrecking the economy.

President Trump has pledged to reform our tax code, which, to most people, currently reads like a foreign language. Trump said tax reform would be a top priority for his administration, but he is up against powerful lobbyists working for the tax preparation industry and also charitable and other organizations who want to keep things just as they are, since some donors would be less likely to contribute if they lose their ability to claim deductions on their taxes.
Does anyone believe this tax code language is something we should maintain? "Enter 6 percent of the smaller of line 40 or the value of your Archer MSAs on December 31, 2015, including 2015 contributions made in 2016. Include this amount on Form 1040, line 58A or Form 1040NR, line 56B." This little gem is in T.R. Reid's book "A Fine Mess," a work about our tax system that should raise the ire of any taxpayer not already irate.