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left_flag Friday, June 16
Friday, June 16, 2023

Welcome to our Weekend Edition with host Kerby Anderson. His co-hosts are First Liberty Institute’s Kelly Shackelford and our own Penna Dexter. Topics for discussion include everything from the COVID virus origin, Russia-gate, and up and coming Supreme Court cases, to corporate business’s new answer to shoplifting and much more. It’s a jam-packed show!

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Kelly Shackelford Show Page
Kelly Shackelford
President | CEO | Chief Counsel - First Liberty Institute
Mr. Shackelford is a constitutional scholar who has argued before the United States Supreme Court, testified before the U.S. House and Senate on constitutional issues, and has won three state landmark First Amendment and religious liberty cases in the past few years alone. He was recently named one of the 25 greatest Texas lawyers of the past quarter-century by Texas Lawyer, and is the recipient of the prestigious William Bentley Ball Award for Life and Religious Freedom Defense for his leadership and pioneering work protecting religious freedom.
Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter
Co-Host - Point of View Radio Talk Show
Penna Dexter is a radio commentator and columnist for various Christian conservative outlets. She is a frequent commentator and guest host for Point of View Radio Talk Show with Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Moody Broadcasting Network and the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s columns appear at Baptist Press and the Christian Post blog page. Penna is an executive at Todd Dexter & Associates, the integrated marketing consulting company founded by her husband, Todd Dexter.

For eight years she served as Marlin Maddoux’s co-host on Point of View and for two years she co-hosted a daily drive time live broadcast on the Dallas-based Criswell Radio Network.

Penna’s interest in conservative politics and the issues that affect the family began when she was a child working on political campaigns with her parents. She graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in International Relations. She spent 8 years in the banking industry. Penna and her husband Todd are members of Trinity Presbyterian Church, they have three adult children.
Supreme Court building - sunset
SCOTUS Poll Shows Americans’ Clear Message to Congress
By: Kelly Shackelford - - June 16, 2023 New Supreme Court poll reveals Americans’ clear message to Congress – leave judiciary alone. Left’s ethics claims and other attacks don’t resonate with voters. A year ...
FLI - Faith back in Schools
Bringing Faith Back to Schools
Thanks to First Liberty’s Supreme Court victories, Americans have a legal foundation to restore religious freedom in their communities. On today’s episode of First Liberty Live!, we go on location to interview several Texas residents ...
Indict the Biggest Liars First
So let us start with the former interim director of the FBI itself, Andrew McCabe.
Lululemon's sign
Punish Employees Not Shoplifters
Shoplifting, including organized retail theft, has been surging in cities across America, and a new generation of woke CEOs and state legislators are implementing unusual methods of addressing the epidemic. Actually, they are coming up ...
Wuhan Institute Lab
Covid Origin – Scandal of the Century
By: Noah Rothman - - June 15, 2023 For Democratic and Republican partisans alike, Covid’s origins have little political use. To see this article in its entirety and subscribe to others like it, please ...
Russia-gate Was Fake
During an interview with "System Update" host Glenn Greenwald, Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy explained how his view of "Russiagate" changed  
Megyn Kelly podcast
Megyn’s Newfound Compassion
Megyn Kelly has evolved in her assessment of the harms that result when a society bows to the transgender lobby.
Biden leaves the White House
Joe Biden Sell Out America?
The House Oversight Committee has been looking into possible influence peddling by President Biden and his family. We are looking for the facts. Democrats are distorting them.  
FLI cases - G Groff, A and M Klein
3 Major Decisions the Supreme Court Coming Soon
The U.S. Supreme Court’s current term is expected to end by June 30th. We’re waiting for the outcomes on TWO of our cases, as well as a third important free speech case with huge implications ...



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