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left_flag Monday, April 1
Monday, April 1, 2024

Our host Kerby Anderson has a great show today. First up, his guest is Professor of Law and Religion, John Inazu, who has another awesome book, Learning to Disagree It releases tomorrow. In the second hour, Kerby brings us an update from the weekend’s news and shares a Godly point of view on the issues that affect our lives. His topics include the bridge collapse in Baltimore, Bill Maher’s latest lament on mainstream media & COVID, US tax laws, and RFK and the fall election. So, it’s a jam packed show!

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

John Inazu Show Page
John Inazu
Author | Speaker | S. D. D. Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion - Washington University in St. Louis
John Inazu is the author of Learning to Disagree: The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences with Empathy and Respect (Zondervan). He is the Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion at Washington University in St. Louis. He teaches criminal law, law and religion, and various First Amendment courses. He writes and speaks frequently about pluralism, assembly, free speech, religious freedom, and other issues. John has written three books and published opinion pieces in the Washington Post, Atlantic, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, USA Today, Newsweek, and CNN. He is also the founder of the Carver Project and the Legal Vocation Fellowship and is a senior fellow with Interfaith America.
Book Cover - Learning to Disagree
Learning to Disagree: The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences with Empathy and Respect
As a constitutional scholar, legal expert, and former litigator, John has spent his career learning how to disagree well with other people. In Learning to Disagree, John shares memorable stories and draws on the practices that legal training imparts--seeing the complexity in every issue and inhabiting the mindset of an opposing point of view--to help us handle daily encounters and lifelong relationships with those who see life very differently than we do.

This groundbreaking, poignant, and highly practical book equips us to:

+ Understand what holds us back from healthy disagreement
+ Learn specific, start-today strategies for dialoguing clearly and authentically
+ Move from stuck, broken disagreements to mature, healthy disagreements
+ Cultivate empathy as a core skill for our personal lives and our whole society

If you are feeling exhausted from the tattered state of dialogue in your social media feed, around the country, and in daily conversations, you're not alone. Discover a more connected life while still maintaining the strength of your convictions through this unique, often-humorous, thought-provoking, and ultimately life-changing exploration of the best way to disagree.
Collapsed Key Bridge
Bridge Collapse is a Wake-up Call
By: Jon Fund - - March 31, 2024 If progressives are willing to waive some environmental rules to speed up the reconstruction of the Key Bridge, why not do so more often? President Biden is ...
Bill Maher on his show
Bill Maher: Media Wrong About COVID
Bill Maher has made some MSNBC-like tirades in recent weeks.
Adjusted Gross Income and Federal Income Taxes Paid by Income Group
US Already Soaks the Rich
By: The Editorial Board - - March 29, 2024 In 2021 the richest 1% paid 45.8% of income taxes, up from 33.2% in 2001. President Biden is proposing a bevy of tax increases, and ...
Robert Kennedy campaigns
The RFK Factor
Robert Kennedy Jr. leads the highest-polling independent presidential ticket in over 30 years.



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