Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. He shares biblical perspective on the current political scene and other hot stories in the news. His guest is a long time friend of the ministry, Mary DeMuth. Mary has a new book, “The Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible.”
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This problem—and your feelings and questions about it—is nothing new. In fact, women have faced it since the dawn of time. In this engaging book, Mary DeMuth tells the tales of ten women in the Bible who were misunderstood in their own time and often still are—bringing to each of them a deep humanity that makes her, and her problems, more relatable to twenty-first-century you. If you are struggling with feeling misunderstood, let these stories inspire you to grow and remind you that you are not alone. And remember: There is always One who understands you perfectly and stands ready to comfort, strengthen, and defend you through every situation you face.