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left_flag Monday, April 6
Monday, April 6, 2020

Welcome to a new week. Point of View‘s host is Kerby Anderson and our show today is going to be amazing!

He talks about the COVID-19, and with wisdom and understanding, and he brings us the other news and current hot issues. His first guest is author Gene Veith. Professor Veith will share his newest book; “Post Christian.” Kerby’s guests in the final hour are Jeff & Sarah Walton. Together this couple has weathered much and together they bring the powerful book: “Together Through the Storms.”

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Gene Veith Show Page
Gene Veith
Author |Provost | Professor Emeritus - Patrick Henry College
Gene Edward Veith Jr. (PhD, University of Kansas) is provost and professor of literature emeritus at Patrick Henry College. He previously worked as the culture editor of World magazine. He is the author of many books, including Postmodern Times; Reading Between the Lines; and Loving God with All Your Mind.
Post Christian: A Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture
This illuminating and insightful audiobook analyzes problems with the culture's underlying worldviews and suggests how Christians can offer solutions to current problems as a way to rebuild culture and faith.
Jeff Walton Show Page
Jeff Walton
Consultant | Author | Teacher
Jeff Walton is a graduate of Taylor University who worked as a trauma
consultant for nine years, assisting doctors in implanting medical devices during trauma surgeries. He made the difficult decision to walk away from that line of work as the on-call hours became too much for their family’s circumstances.
Since then Jeff has worked in the medical technology industry while navigating seasons of unexpected job loss. He spends his free time leading men’s Bible studies and coaching his children’s sports teams.
Sarah Walton Show Page
Sarah Walton
Mom | Author | Speaker | Blogger
Sarah Walton is a stay-at-home mom and co-author of Hope When It Hurts: Biblical Reflections to Help You Grasp God’s Purpose in Your Suffering (The Good Book Company, 2017). She enjoys writing and speaking about how the gospel speaks into all areas of life and offers hope in the midst of suffering. She blogs at and is a contributing writer at,, and In her free time, she enjoys dreaming about what she would do if she had free time.
Together Through the Storms - book cover
Together Through the Storms
Together Through the Storms (The Good Book Company, May 2020) helps married couples to navigate the storms of life together. Working through the book of Job, Jeff and Sarah Walton reflect on their own experiences. The last dozen years have been marked by loss as they endured a neurological/behavioral disorder in the oldest child, major financial loss, and the painful reality of the whole family suffering with Chronic Lyme Disease. They are, however, thankful for the long and painful road they have endured because the Lord, in His goodness, has taught them to find, hope, joy and identity in Christ Alone.
Trump, Pence, & Dr. Fauci
Are the Models Wrong?
By: Derek Hunter - - April 5, 2020 Predicting the future is a tough racket. If people were any good at it, we’d all be multiple lottery winners. Since we aren’t, that’s a pretty ...
Trump press briefing covid-19
Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World
By: Henry A. Kissinger - - April 3, 2020 The U.S. must protect its citizens from disease while starting the urgent work of planning for a new epoch. The surreal atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic calls ...
VP Pence at WH Press Briefing
Mike Pence – Nightline
By: Elizabeth Vaughn - - April 5, 2020 Byron Pitts, co-anchor ABC’s “Nightline,” interviewed Vice President Mike Pence on Friday night. Pitts asked Pence: Mr. Vice President, I have a final question for you. ...




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