Today Point of View’s host is our own Kerby Anderson! During the first hour he brings us an update from the weekend. Kerby’s guest in our second hour is Chip Ingram. They’ll be talking about his new book, releasing tomorrow, “Discover Your True Self.” In the final hour, Kerby welcomes Bobby Parmar. Bobby will share the new film: Fishing with Dynamite. It’s a documentary film that explores the contentious history of American corporate culture.
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Are you ready to see yourself as God sees you? Then let Chip Ingram show you how to silence the lies of your past and experience your true identity.

How can businesses do more than pursue short-term, easy profits at the expense of employees, customers, suppliers, and communities? Featuring R. Edward Freeman, Bethany McLean, Arthur C. Brooks, Jeff Cherry, and more, diverse leaders and thinkers chart a course forward for responsible business in the 21st century.