Brian Kilmeade, co-host of Fox and Friends, joins Kerby in the first hour. Kerby will be talking about Brian’s new book, Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans: The Battle That Shaped America’s Destiny. The second hour brings Lori Kuykendall, Executive Director of AIM for Success, to the microphone. Kerby will be talking with Lori about Fostering Family Connectedness.

Every weekday morning, Kilmeade provides viewers with the latest on the breaking news, sports, politics and entertainment. During his tenure at Fox News, he has developed the ability to interview and provide insight into newsmakers, politicians, celebrities and athletes. On any given day you might see him with former President George W. Bush, Michael Jordan, Simon Cowell, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, or supermodel Miranda Kerr. His radio show features many Fox personalities, big names guests and somehow still manages to cover the news of the day with seriousness and a smile.
Into this dire situation stepped Major General Andrew Jackson. A native of Tennessee who had witnessed the horrors of the Revolutionary War and Indian attacks, he was glad America had finally decided to confront repeated British aggression. But he feared that President Madison’s men were overlooking the most important target of all: New Orleans.