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Monday, January 6, 2020

Join our host, Kerby Anderson as he brings biblical insight to today’s world. Kerby’s guests are Rebekah Charleston, Executive Director of Valiant Hearts, and Geoffrey Rogers, CEO of the U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking.  They will share a vision of a world free of sexual exploitation and brokenness. And they will bring us their new film, “Blind Eyes Opened.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Rebekah Charleston Show Page
Rebekah Charleston
Executive Director - Valiant Hearts
Rebekah Charleston’s story is one that is unfortunately too common. At the age of 17, after running away from home, she found herself trapped in the world of human trafficking, as a victim. After ten years and no way to escape from multiple traffickers on her own, it was the federal authorities that ultimately provided her a path to freedom and safety. Given a new lease on life, she hasn’t shied away from her experiences, instead she has used them as a source of inspiration and a way to educate others on the prevalent world of human trafficking in America. Through her work as a consultant with the National Justice Training Center and Executive Director of Valiant Hearts, Rebekah has dedicated her life to preventing others from having to experience what she did. In the years that have passed, Rebekah has won numerous awards for her work, including 2016’s Survivor Leader Award, has been featured by numerous news outlets such as Deadline Crimes and TEDx, received a master’s degree in criminal justice and has given birth to her loving son. Rebekah Charleston has a story to tell — a story of desperation, a story of hope, a story of triumph and a story of survival.
Blind eyes open main
Blind Eyes Opened: Film
BLIND EYES OPENED is a first-of-a-kind Christian documentary that dives deep into the sex trafficking industry in the U.S. The film exposes the darkness that fuels demand, highlights survivors' transformations through Christ, engages lawmakers, law enforcement, organizations, ministries and experts across the country committed to ending the atrocities, all while showing Christ as the hope for all involved.
#BlindEyesOpened is IN THEATERS JANUARY 23 - ONE NIGHT ONLY through Fathom Events.
#trafficking #hope #transformation #unity #survivors
Geoffrey Rogers Show Page
Geoffrey Rogers
CEO & Co-Founder - US Institute Against Human Trafficking - Executive Producer - film: BLIND EYES OPENED
Geoffrey Rogers is the CEO and co-founder of the US Institute Against Human Trafficking, and producer of the faith-based documentary BLIND EYES OPENED, in theaters January 23, 2020. In 2011, Geoffrey left a 15-year career as a successful corporate executive at IBM to pursue his non-profit ministry work which aims to raise awareness of important social issues affecting culture today. His Tampa, FL-based non-profit production company, Ships of Tarshish, has produced two projects: “Surrender the Secret,” and the forthcoming BLIND EYES OPENED, a first-of-its-kind nationwide Christian documentary about the truth of sex trafficking in America.
Blind eyes open main
Blind Eyes Opened - website
BLIND EYES OPENED is a first-of-a-kind Christian documentary that dives deep into the sex trafficking industry in the U.S. The film exposes the darkness that fuels demand, highlights survivors' transformations through Christ, engages lawmakers, law enforcement, organizations, ministries and experts across the country committed to ending the atrocities, all while showing Christ as the hope for all involved.
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