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left_flag Monday, March 16
Monday, March 16, 2020

Welcome to a new week. Point of View‘s host is Kerby Anderson and our show today is going to be amazing!

He talks about the ongoing primaries, Covid-19, and with wisdom and understanding, he brings us the other news and current hot issues. His first guest is E.W. Jackson. Founder of STAND foundation – Staying True to America’s National Destiny. They’ll talk about the dangers of Socialism. Kerby’s guests in the final hour are Morgan Brittany & Ann-Marie Murrell. Co-authors, activists, and co-owners of Politichick, these ladies are a dynamo.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

E.W. Jackson Show Page
E.W. Jackson
Bishop of The Called Church - Founder of STAND Foundation
E.W. Jackson was born in Chester, Pennsylvania. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps and was honorably discharged in 1973. He graduated with honors from the University of Massachusetts in 1975 and from Harvard Law School in 1978. He practiced law for 15 years. He is Bishop of The Called Church and founder of STAND Foundation - Staying True to America's National Destiny ( He has authored two books: Ten Commandments to an Extraordinary Life and 12 Principles to Make Your Life Extraordinary. Bishop Jackson hosts the National Awakening Conference Call weekly and is a daily talk show host on American Family Radio. He has been a guest on FNC, One America News and other media and written articles for American Thinker, The Washington Times, Western Journal and other publications. He won the Republican nomination for Lt. Governor of Virginia in 2013. He and his wife of 49 years, Theodora, reside in Suffolk, Virginia.
Morgan Brittany for Show Page
Morgan Brittany
Actress | Activist | Author - Co-Owner, Vice-President, & National Spokesperson of PolitiChicks
Morgan Brittany is the co-owner, Vice-President, and National Spokesperson for PolitiChicks. She has been an actress for almost her entire life. Including television, stage, and film, she has won many awards and much acclaim. She has been active with with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, with March of Dimes for over 20 years, has raised funds and awareness for young people entering the arts, and has been very active in the protection of young children in the motion picture industry.

She is one of the few outspoken Conservative Republicans in Hollywood. She has appeared on many radio and television shows supporting Conservative candidates and has traveled to help them campaign. Her current passion is supporting veterans groups and bringing public awareness to the needs of our troops past and present.

Together with Politichicks co-owner Ann-Marie Murrell, they've covered political events across the nation, written 2 best sellers, and continue speaking across the US.
Ann-Marie Murrell
Reporter | Speaker | Author - Co-Owner of PolitiChicks
As a protégée of Andrew Breitbart, native Texan and former actress Ann-Marie Murrell was one of the first pioneers of the Citizen Journalist movement. After covering political and red carpet events throughout California, in 2010, Ann-Marie helped create the very first conservative webTV talk show in history, The PolitiChicks.

Ann-Marie was one of the very first go-to reporters in the conservative movement. In addition to political events nationwide. She has interviewed hundreds of conservative leaders including LTC Allen West, Congressman Louie Gohmert, Dr. Ben Carson, and she was one of the last reporters to interview Andrew Breitbart. Ann-Marie has co-authored 2 best selling books and won numerous awards for her conservative activism. In 2014, Ann-Marie purchased the website with her former co-anchor and friend, Morgan Brittany. Together they'e covered political events across the nation and continue speaking across the US.
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