Today Dr. Merrill Matthews is our guest host and he’s going to have a super, busy show!
Buddy’s first guest is Texas Senator Konni Burton who will talk about upcoming issues in state politics. His second guest is Tom Giovanetti, president of the Institute for Policy Innovation who will talk with Buddy about internet taxes and regulations. The final guests are Kurt Nelson from East-West Ministries International and Mike S. from Denton who will talk about worldwide ministry endeavors in the 50+ countries in which East-West currently operates.
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Born in Kerrville, Konni was raised in the small south Texas town of Banquete, which consisted of little more than a school and a post office. Both her parents worked at the school: her father as the high school principal and her mother as the school secretary. Konni attended the University of North Texas, earning a BBA in Marketing. There she met her husband, Phillip, of thirty years.
A strong pro-life advocate, Konni and Phil have worked closely with The Gladney Center for Adoption in Fort Worth. The Burtons are proud parents of two “Gladney Babies,” Tori and Faith.
In 2014, Senator Burton won her first bid for elected office by capturing Senate District 10. Burton champions individual liberty, personal responsibility, and free market economics. She fights to prioritize tax dollars to core functions of state government, such as public education, transportation, water infrastructure, and public safety.
Konni and her family live in Colleyville.

Mr. Giovanetti writes for IPI and for other publications on a wide variety of policy topics including tax reform, intellectual property, Social Security personal accounts, communications policy, Internet governance, education reform, the broadband revolution, and out-of-control government spending. In addition to being published in leading papers including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Investor's Business Daily and The Dallas Morning News, he also appears regularly on a number of radio and television programs.
Mr. Giovanetti represents IPI many national and international organizations, including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), where IPI is an accredited NGO. IPI was also accredited as an observer organization with the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), where he argued against UN involvement with Internet governance, and with the UN's Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Mr. Giovanetti also participated during meetings of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property, and represents IPI as a stakeholder during trade agreement negotiations such as the current Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
In addition to his writing and speaking, Mr. Giovanetti also testifies before state and federal legislative committees on a variety of topics, and is primarily responsible for fundraising and development for the Institute for Policy Innovation.

He assisted in launching the Institutes for Emerging Itinerant Evangelists in Russia, Central Asia, and India, and he currently serves on the Board of Directors, the Executive Leadership Team, and the StratOps Team. Nelson also personally leads East-West short-term trips to Russia, Latin America, South Asia, Central Asia, and East Asia.
Prior to East-West, he served as Vice President of Global Missions Fellowship (GMF - now E3 Partners), where he directed the Russia Field and the Marketing / Communications Department. Also while at GMF, he led evangelism teams to many countries including Russia, Haiti, the Ukraine, Latvia, Japan, and Latin America.
He received his undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina, his Master’s degree of Theology in World Missions from Dallas Theological Seminary, and his Doctor of Ministry degree in Missions Leadership from Columbia International University.
Nelson and his wife, Pat, have been married for 30 years and have nine children (three of whom were adopted from Russia), six grandsons and one granddaughter.
East-West Founders John Maisel and Bud Toole spent the 1980s traveling secretly behind the Iron Curtain. During this time, the two men trained 4,000 to 5,000 students underground through Biblical Education by Extension (BEE).
Communist governments soon collapsed—resulting in the fall of the Iron Curtain in the early 1990s. The 300 million people who had been taught the doctrines of atheism began to seek real answers . . . resulting in an incredible spiritual hunger.
A new need arose—to train church planters and pastors in these nations characterized by restricted Christian activity during its 70 years of communism. John Maisel and Bud Toole recognized this need and responded.