Today Point of View’s is hosted by our own Kerby Anderson. Kerby starts with giving us information, the stories from the news with wisdom. Then he welcomes Reggie Littlejohn. Reggie will tell us about the human rights abuses happening right now in China and what you can do. Kerby’s next guest is Vicki Courtney. Vicki talks about refugees and the Pro-Life movement. Don’t miss a minute!
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Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is also saving lives in China. Their “Save a Girl” campaign finds women who are about to abort or abandon their babies because they are girls and enables them to keep their daughters by providing the family with monthly stipends for a year. They have saved hundreds of baby girls from gendercide and grinding poverty. They have also launched their “Save a Widow” campaign to give help destitute widows in rural China.

Vicki and her husband, Keith, reside in Austin, Texas and are the proud parents of three grown children, two daughter-in-laws and a son-in-law. They also have six grandchildren and are blessed to have all their children living nearby in Austin and Houston.