Today Kerby talks with Warren Throckmorton & Mary DeMuth about Christians and plagerism. And then he welcomes Rebecca Friedrichs who has a new book, “Standing Up To Goliath.” This is Rebecca’s exposé of bully teacher unions, how to fight them, and how to WIN.
Kerby will have the latest news, and all through a Biblical lens.
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Along with Michael Coulter, Throckmorton authored Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about Our Third President, which is a book fact checking historical claims about Thomas Jefferson.
Along with Regent University professor Mark Yarhouse, Throckmorton is the developer of Sexual Identity Therapy, a method of assisting clients to integrate sexual orientation and religious concerns in counseling and psychotherapy.
He has been president of the American Association of Mental Health Counselors Association and was named Counselor of the Year in 1991 by the Ohio branch of that organization.

Mary is the author of thirty-two books, including her latest: Jesus Every Day. She has spoken around the world about God’s ability to re-story a life, bringing needed freedom to her audiences. She’s been on the 700 Club, spoken in Munich, Cape Town, and Monte Carlo, and planted a church with her family in southern France. Her best work? Being a mom to three amazing young adults and the wife of nearly 25 years to Patrick. She makes her home in Dallas alongside her husband, and two dueling cats.

As a twenty-eight-year public school teacher, she was forced to fund state and national teachers’ unions whose politics and divisive tactics degraded her profession, our schools, universities, and our national character. Her seminal lawsuit Friedrichs v California Teachers’ Association, which sought to free educators, and all public sector employees from forced unionism, was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on January 11, 2016.
Poised to rule 5-4 in Rebecca’s favor, the Court deadlocked after the sudden passing of Justice Scalia.
Determined to stop state and national teachers’ unions from destroying our schools, universities, and American values, and sensing that millions of like-minded supporters were stunned and discouraged, Rebecca refused to give up.
Standing Up to Goliath, told through dozens of powerful personal accounts, is Rebecca’s exposé of bully unions. So that her readers will have a way to organize and take action, Rebecca also founded For Kids and Country, a national movement of parents, teachers, students, faith leaders, and citizens uniting to restore our schools and culture.
Rebecca’s case trailblazed the way for Janus v AFSCME which won at the US Supreme Court on June 27, 2018 – remarkably Rebecca’s birthday – and successfully ended public-sector forced unionism in America. But most teachers have no idea they are funding the demise of their own profession, our schools and culture, so Rebecca’s book moves the battle forward - showing educators, students, citizens, and parents exactly why teachers should reject state and national unions in protection of kids and country.
Rebecca lives in Southern California with her husband Charles, and their sons Kyle and Ben.
* Promote a culture of fear and bully teachers and parents into silence.
* Undermine parents’ authority by sexually, socially, and politically indoctrinating kids.
* Use the apple-pie image of the PTA as a “front” to promote a partisan agenda.
These insights and more led Rebecca and nine other teachers to the US Supreme Court where their case, Friedrichs v California Teachers Association, et al., sought to restore the First Amendment rights of all teachers and government employees. They argued no one should be forced to pay fees to abusive, politically driven unions, and were poised to change the very landscape of American education—until tragedy struck.
Saddened but unbowed, Rebecca started a national movement, For Kids and Country, leading the charge of servant leaders who believe Judeo-Christian values (including kindness) and restoration of the teaching profession—possible only by rejecting state and national unions and forming “local only” associations—are the answers to America’s woes. She invites you to join them.
“America’s teachers, parents, and kids deserve better,” Rebecca writes. “If we want freedom, we’re going to have to fight for it.”