Kerby Anderson hosts our show today. He will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America and around the world. He welcomes Leanne Jamieson, the Executive Director of Prestonwood Pregnancy Center. Then Kerby will welcome Lt. Col. Oliver North (Ret), a combat decorated marine, recipient of the silver star, the bronze star for valor and two purple hearts for wounds in action. In the final hour Kerby welcomes Washington Times’ Robert Knight.
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Leanne’s life calling is to encourage women. Her career path includes corporate roles in Marketing, Human Resources and Leadership Development. However, God slowly redirected her path to utilize her gifts to help women. She has served as Women’s Ministry Director at Second Baptist Church in Katy, Texas and at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Leanne teaches a weekly Bible study and speaks frequently at ladies’ night out events, Mothers of Preschoolers (MOP) groups, and women’s retreats. With authentic transparency and down to earth humor she loves to share Biblical truths, including her powerful testimony of how the Lord has continually taken what looked like a burden and revealed the blessing in her life.
Leanne has been married to her husband Rob for 29 years and they have two sons; Neal, who is currently just left the Armed Forces after 8 years to return to college and Trevor, a Teaching Pastor at Cliff Temple in Oak Cliff, Dallas who is married to Siera.

Robert was a journalist for 15 years, including seven at the Los Angeles Times. He has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Political Science from American University.