Our host today is our own Kerby Anderson. Kerby welcomes first time guest, Joseph Minich. He brings us his new book, Bulwarks of Unbelief: Atheism and Divine Absence in a Secular Age.
In the second hour, Kerby answer questions like: Should Al Gore have been indicted? Is college a rip-off? and Is abortion a sickness in our soul?
It’s going to be a great show! So tune in on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio, or to ask your questions give us a call at 800-351-1212.

You can see his podcast at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV68MyIL6gMc5ocrY2K7Cn4Jnpmqm8Z76
Christians cannot escape this aspect of modern life. Minich argues that we must consciously and actively return to reality. If we reattune ourselves to God's story, reintegrate the whole person, and reinhabit the world, faith can thrive in this age of unbelief.